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सत्ता संरचना Meaning in English

सत्ता संरचना शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : power structure

सत्ता-संरचना हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

सत्ता संरचनाएँ सूचना-प्रौद्योगिकियों का सहारा ले कर व्यक्ति और समाज की गतिविधियों की अधिक निगरानी कर रही हैं जिससे निजता और प्राइवेसी अंत के करीब पहुँच गयी है।

"" उदाहरण के लिए, कोई देश किस हद तक व्यक्तिवाद को मान्यता देता है यह उसकी औसत बहिर्मुखता के साथ सहसंबद्ध है, जबकि संस्कृतियों में जीवित लोग जो अपनी सत्ता संरचनाओं में अधिक असमानताएं स्वीकार कर रहे हैं, किंचित् कर्तव्यनिष्ठा में उच्च है।

कई दशकों के युद्ध, बड़े पैमाने पर विस्थापन और बदलती हुई सत्ता संरचना के कारन सामुदायिक नेटवर्क का पतन हो गया है और विस्तृत परिवार भी ख़त्म होते जा रहे हैं- यह सबसे मूल पारंपरिक कोपिंग प्रणाली है।

उदाहरण के लिए, कोई देश किस हद तक व्यक्तिवाद को मान्यता देता है यह उसकी औसत बहिर्मुखता के साथ सहसंबद्ध है, जबकि संस्कृतियों में जीवित लोग जो अपनी सत्ता संरचनाओं में अधिक असमानताएं स्वीकार कर रहे हैं, किंचित् कर्तव्यनिष्ठा में उच्च है।

सत्ता-संरचना इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

Bafut is one of many places in Northwest and West Cameroon where traditional power structures are still in place.

It was important to bridge the gulf separating different worlds, the poor and the affluent, women and power structures.

Although the practice is illegal, sons provide a greater cultural and economic advantage for Chinese families: they carry the family lineage, they support parents in old-age, and they generally dominate the family power structure.

With a posting in Maracay, a city that is relatively near the national power structures in Caracas, Chávez's coup plans were no longer hindered by his own geographic isolation.

Carmichael believed that true liberation for black people required direct seizure of power rather than appeal to white power structures.

In some way wishing to equate the notion of "nilpotence" in the theory of connections, with the divided power structure technique that became standard in crystalline theory, Grothendieck produced the conjecture as a by-product.

It will only mention Tsugumo's suicide, and the entire story of his challenge to the clan will be purged from the record to protect the façade of "the unjust power structure".

According to him, strategies are used by those within organizational power structures, whether small or large, such as the state or municipality, the corporation or the proprietor, a scientific enterprise or the scientist.

This theory is based partly on their interpretation of the British power structure in the 5th century, and interpretations of names and epithets associated with Owain's family.

However, this is not saying that those who occupy perspectives that are not-marginalized cannot help in reaching a shared critical conscientious with relation to the effects of power structures and epistemic production.

As one writer said: Women in the black churches were relegated to positions that posed no real threat to the power structure maintained by preachers, deacons, and other male leaders.

The term is used to describe the ways in which women, and other minority groups, are able to have a much clearer understanding of how the power structure works within a given society because they are not members of the dominant group.

Thus these varying perspectives provide different women with ‘advantages’ in understanding their own specific social locations within a given society's hierarchal power structure.

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