तमाशे का Meaning in English
तमाशे का शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : spectacle
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दर्शनीय दृष्टि संपन्न
दर्शनीय रूप से
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वर्णक्रम संबंधी
तमाशे-का हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
"" चित्र को देखने से ज्ञात होता है कि दूर पर खड़ा घुड़सवार अकबर भी इस तमाशे का मज़ा ले रहा था।
नाटक (Theatre या theater)) (यूनानी में 'थिएट्रॉन (theatron)', θέατρον) अभिनय कला की एक शाखा है जिसका संबंध बोली, हाव-भाव, संगीत, नृत्य, आवाज और तमाशे का संयुक्त रूप से इस्तेमाल कर दर्शकों के सामने कहानियों पर अभिनय करने से - वास्तव में अन्य अभिनय कलाओं के एक या अधिक तत्वों से जुड़ा है।
तमाशे-का इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
, The Nameless Hero) – a graduate student in engineering, this bespectacled protagonist has procrastinated through the entire strip without receiving a name.
Wearing a mortarboard and spectacles, never named but quite prominent in the earliest strips.
In the 1960s the revolutionary group Situationist International came to some prominence, staging 'situations' intended to highlight an alternative way of life to advanced capitalism, the latter conceptualized as a diffuse 'spectacle', a fake reality masking a degradation of human life.
Furthermore, they are broadcast as television spectacles that interrupt the regular scheduled programming on a given television network.
Although this came at the expense of losing goals, it provided an exciting (and thus crowd drawing) spectacle"nbsp;— an idea later used successfully by George "Corky" Young at Third Lanark in the 1960s.
* FILATURES – spectacle collectif.
The movement of other players beneath the player marking can cause them to lose balance in mid air and land or fall awkwardly, enhancing the spectacle of the mark.
because the two noughts together are thought to resemble a pair of spectacles; the longer form is occasionally used.
Some reptiles found here are the python, flying lizard, spectacled cobra, krait and Asian pit vipers.
Such was the spectacle confronting the Member for Western Maori.
In the tradition of many sword and sandal spectacles, Quinn and Lollobrigida are the only two actors in the film who actually speak in English; the rest of the cast is made up of French actors who have had their voices dubbed into English.
Instead of models in bikinis lounging by the Project Hollywood pool all day, we had pimply teenagers, bespectacled businessmen, tubby students, lonely millionaires, struggling actors, frustrated taxi drivers, and computer programmers – lots of computer programmers.
The route was lined with London 2012 Olympic banners, making the event a real spectacle as it passed through.