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स्पेक्टेड Meaning in English

स्पेक्टेड शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : spected

स्पेक्टेड हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

"" ओपेथ और अनएक्स्पेक्टेड ने यूरोप में ड्रीम थियेटर को मंच पर समर्थन प्रदान किया, जबकि ज़प्पा प्लेज़ ज़प्पा और स्केल द समिट ने उत्तर अमेरिकी लेग बजाया और बिगएल्फ ने NA और यूरोप टूर, दोनों जगह प्रस्तुति दी।

अर्नेस्ट पेनफोल्ड (टेरी स्कॉट द्वारा आवाज दी गई) एक डरपोक, बेस्पेक्टेड हैम्स्टर और डेंजर माउस के अनिच्छुक सहायक और साइडकिक है।

स्पेक्टेड इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

Whereas other cephalosporins are degraded by many plasmid- and chromosome-mediated beta-lactamases, cefepime is stable and is a front-line agent when infection with Enterobacteriaceae is known or suspected.

Bolívar is widely respected both in Venezuela and the rest of South America as a Venezuelan revolutionary and freedom fighter.

He became widely respected for upholding parliamentarians' rights, including leading the way in condemning the 1915 Armenian massacres as a Turkish genocide in 2016.

"Woman and the Fish" is a listed sculpture by Frank Dobson, one of UK's most respected sculptors.

As a respected former mayor, Barthelemy joined other former mayors Moon Landrieu and Marc Morial in a meeting on January 7, 2006 with parish presidents from the New Orleans metropolitan area to discuss post-Katrina plans for regional flood protection .

Seán Cardinal Brady denied that the wider Church was involved in a cover-up to protect a priest suspected of being involved in three IRA car bombings in Claudy in County Londonderry in 1972, and he accepted the report's findings.

Nordazepam and other sedative-hypnotic drugs are detected frequently in cases of people suspected of driving under the influence of drugs.

(The Commonwealth of Massachusetts had last inspected the dam for safety and structural integrity in 2003.

Political experts on both sides also suspected that the scandal was being framed in this manner to aid Gerald Ford's election strategy.

If a majority vote to test the suspected player is reached then testing will take place no more than 48 hours later.

Several members of this genus are known to contain psilocin and psilocybin and it is suspected that a number of other members of this genus contain unidentified psychoactive compounds.

Ponge was well respected by his contemporaries in France and they often helped drive his literary career.

Camus and Sartre both respected his work immensely.

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