वर्णक्रम संबंधी Meaning in English
वर्णक्रम संबंधी शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : spectral
ऐसे ही कुछ और शब्द
वर्णक्रम्युक्त कविता
वर्णक्रम-संबंधी हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
""एक प्रयोग का पुनर्विश्लेषण (, [आर.एच.कोच, डी. वैन हार्लिंगन, जे.क्लार्क, भौतिकविद. समीक्षा बी 26(1982) 74 जोसेफसन जंक्शन शोर विद्युत धारा जिसके बारे में दावा किया जाता है कि जो गुप्त ऊर्जा घनत्व के आकलन का माप किये गए नित्वात ऊर्जा घनत्व से मिलान करते हुए इसे वर्णक्रम संबंधी आवृत्ति की उच्चतम सीमा से जोड़ता है।
एक प्रयोग का पुनर्विश्लेषण (, [आर.एच.कोच, डी. वैन हार्लिंगन, जे.क्लार्क, भौतिकविद. समीक्षा बी 26(1982) 74 जोसेफसन जंक्शन शोर विद्युत धारा जिसके बारे में दावा किया जाता है कि जो गुप्त ऊर्जा घनत्व के आकलन का माप किये गए नित्वात ऊर्जा घनत्व से मिलान करते हुए इसे वर्णक्रम संबंधी आवृत्ति की उच्चतम सीमा से जोड़ता है।
वर्णक्रम-संबंधी इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
The central wavelength of AFBS can be defined without scanning its spectral response, unlike conventional FBGs that are probed by optoelectronic interrogators.
The ionised particles are then accelerated, and spectral peaks recorded, producing an expression profile, which is capable of differentiating specific bacterial strains after being compared to known profiles.
Adams spectral sequence.
color translation – converting from the camera native color space defined by the spectral sensitivities of the image sensor to an output color space (typically sRGB for JPEG).
FRET also depends on the donor-acceptor spectral overlap (see figure) and the relative orientation of the donor and acceptor transition dipole moments.
Expatriate footballers in Germany In radiometry, radiant flux or radiant power is the radiant energy emitted, reflected, transmitted or received, per unit time, and spectral flux or spectral power is the radiant flux per unit frequency or wavelength, depending on whether the spectrum is taken as a function of frequency or of wavelength.
The SI unit of radiant flux is the watt (W), that is the joule per second () in SI base units, while that of spectral flux in frequency is the watt per hertz () and that of spectral flux in wavelength is the watt per metre ()—commonly the watt per nanometre ().
The skeletons of a space are used in obstruction theory, to construct spectral sequences by means of filtrations, and generally to make inductive arguments.
The real reason for the difference probably relates to the way in which our ears analyse sounds in terms of spectral content along the cochlea.
Dependent on spectral content, 468-weighted measurements of noise are generally about 11 dB higher than A-weighted, and this is probably a factor in the recent trend away from 468-weighting in equipment specifications as cassette tape use declines.
UFO advocate Jim Dilettoso claimed to have performed "spectral analysis" of photographs and video imagery that proved the lights could not have been produced by a man-made source.
, infrared and ultraviolet"nbsp;– that would be necessary for a complete spectral analysis.