उपनेत्र Meaning in English
उपनेत्र शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : spectacles
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शानदार और तेज़ रफ़्तारदर्शनीय दृष्टि संपन्न
दर्शनीय रूप से
स्पेक्टेटर पंप
वर्णक्रम संबंधी
उपनेत्र हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
१९४५ में यूनेस्को की बैठकों में सम्मिलित होने के लिए जो भारतीय प्रतिनिधि दल लंदन गया था, राजकुमारी अमृत कौर आहलुवालिया उसकी उपनेत्री थी।
उपनेत्र द्वारा इस सीधे प्रतिबिंब का आवर्धन होता है।
१९४६ में जब यह प्रतिनिधिमंडल यूनेस्को की सभाओं में भाग लेने के लिए पेरिस गया, तब भी वे इसकी उपनेत्री (डिप्टी लीडर) थीं।
न्यायिक दंड तेजी से सार्वजनिक उपनेत्रों में बदल गए थे, अन्य भावी अपराधियों के लिए एक निवारक के रूप में अपराधियों की सार्वजनिक पिटाई को नियत किया गया।
दूसरे त्रिपार्श्व से निकलने के बाद प्रकाशकिरणें उपनेत्र ले2 में प्रवेश करती है।
ये त्रिपार्श्व दूरदर्शी के अभिदृश्यक और उपनेत्र के बीच में स्थित रहते हैं।
मगर तंतुपट सहित उसके उपनेत्र नेत्रिका लेंस और अभिदृश्य लेंस की स्थितियाँ बदली जा सकती हैं।
""उप - (गौण) उपग्रह, उपवेद, उपनेत्र।
उपनेत्र इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
Wearing a mortarboard and spectacles, never named but quite prominent in the earliest strips.
Furthermore, they are broadcast as television spectacles that interrupt the regular scheduled programming on a given television network.
because the two noughts together are thought to resemble a pair of spectacles; the longer form is occasionally used.
In the tradition of many sword and sandal spectacles, Quinn and Lollobrigida are the only two actors in the film who actually speak in English; the rest of the cast is made up of French actors who have had their voices dubbed into English.
Before World War II, the Scout Movement developed further: many patrols were formed in towns and in villages, many camps, socials, expeditions and spectacles were organized, and a great number of magazines, literary writings and pedagogical studies were published for Scouts and their Chiefs.
On the night of March 18, 1941, two men were reportedly arguing about the proper way to cross an intersection in a busy section of Times Square in New York when one of them, a middle-aged man wearing horn-rimmed spectacles and carrying a brown briefcase, foolishly made the attempt to cross the street against a traffic light.
The city was also celebrated for its many feasts and spectacles.
Known in parts of northern India as gulab chashm meaning "yellow spectacles", they were sometimes kept as cagebirds.
The very valuable items such as gold coins, rings, spectacles, jewellry and other precious metal items were sent to the Reichsbank for conversion to bullion.
Bausch sold spectacles, thermometers, field glasses, magnifiers and opera glasses.
This resulted in a growing demand for the Bausch and Lomb spectacles made from vulcanite.
They built the first machine in America to produce spectacles beginning in the early 1870s.
Glasses, spectacles or eyeglasses.