छापामारअ Meaning in English
छापामारअ शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : raid
, guerrilla
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मेहमान नवाज़
मार्ग दर्शन
मार्ग बोध
छापामारअ इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
Although the camps remained under Lebanese sovereignty, the new arrangements meant that after 1969, they became a key popular base for the guerrilla movement.
The organization began as a resistance group and developed into a guerrilla army.
By 1865 Liberal opposition was being led by a core of 50,000 regular Mexican troops and state National Guards, augmented by approximately 10,000 guerrillas.
Several raiding parties carried out guerrilla activities across Catalonia (under the command of generals Tristany, Savalls and Castells), Castile, Galicia, Aragon, Navarre, Gipuzkoa,.
Although El Catolico and his treasure trove are literary inventions, the guerrillas and gold alluded to in this novel were an important part of the war against France ("the twin allies of British victory"); Cornwell admits that the "Sharpe books do not do justice to the guerillas".
During this time, the Communists’ Eighth Route Army executed several guerrilla attacks in the Japanese troops rear at Lingqiu, Guangling, Weixian, Pingxingguan, Ningwu and Yanmenguan.
The seemingly low cost in battlefield casualties for the Americans in the Mindanao campaign stemmed, aside from the overall brilliance and skill of the Eighth Army planners and leaders, from increasing assistance by Filipino guerrillas, which in military terms, constituted a valuable "force multiplier" for the Eighth Army units.
The 1975 film Chronicle of a Latin American subversive (Spanish: Crónica de un subversivo latinoamericano) by director Mauricio Walerstein, narrates kidnapping episode of Colonel Smolen (portrayed as Colonel Robert Whitney by actor Claudio Brook) by FALN guerrillas in revenge for Trỗi's death sentence.
It incorporated the former guerrilla troops led by El Empecinado.
Using De Jager's information, Langston and Anna discover a farm near Anna's family homestead which was used by the South African military to torture and kill African National Congress guerrillas.
The recruits underwent training in guerrilla warfare, military strategy and tactics, topography, drilling and the use of firearms.
After Dunboy fell, O'Sullivan went on a campaign of guerrilla warfare in the region, taking at least six castles.
Upon his return to the province in November 1842, he found that the rebels, severely weakened after years of struggle, had been forced to resort to guerrilla warfare.
छापामारअ इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
In 1963 he won the Tony Award for Best Dramatic Actor for his portrayal of George in the original Broadway production of Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (with Uta Hagen).
Gorizia was also attacked numerous times by Allied bombers while in port, culminating in a major raid in April 1943 that inflicted serious damage to the ship.
She was present in the harbor on the night of 11"ndash;12 November during the British attack on Taranto, but was undamaged in the air raid.
He was in charge of the patrol of the East Coast of South America which cleared southern waters of German raiders during World War I and he greatly aided in the development of goodwill between the United States and her Allies.
Admiral Caperton's duty since war was declared, above referred to, has been the commanding officer of the Pacific Fleet which, in conjunction with British and French fleets, cleared the Southern Atlantic of German raiders and patrolled the east coast of South America.
2483 Hellingly was however destroyed as a result of enemy action against Eastbourne motive power depot in 1942 during a Luftwaffe air raid event known as the Baedeker Blitz.
The Portuguese travelled there in 1341 both to trade and raid.
By 1346 slave raiding was occurring.
The raids organised by the Mongols have left a lasting mark on history of Baluchistan, from Makran to Gomal the Mongol (known to the people as Mughal) and the atrocities they caused are still well known.
Mir Samandar extended his raids to Zhob, Bori, and Thal-Chotiali.
Meanwhile, the Vietnamese invasion of Cambodia in 1978 to remove the Pol Pot regime – tacitly supported by Thailand and China – brought the Vietnamese-Thailand conflict up to the Thai border, resulting in small border raids and incursions by Vietnamese against the remaining Khmer Rouge camps inside Thai territory, that lasted until 1988.
On 25 November 1999, Williams, along with his father, George and another associate, were arrested and charged with drug trafficking after a raid on an illegal drug factory at a Fir Close unit in Broadmeadows.