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दर्शरेखक Meaning in English

दर्शरेखक शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : indicator
, guide

दर्शरेखक इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

At 0942, forewarned 19 minutes earlier by the EC-121 "Disco" over Laos and then by "Red Crown", the US Navy radar picket ship, the guided missile cruiser USS Chicago, Oyster flight engaged an equal number of MiG-21s headon, scattering them.

The encyclopedic sections discuss subjects such as the six Vedangas, Moksha, Dharma, Adhyatma-jnana (monastic life), Pashupata philosophy, a secular guide with methods of worship of Ganesha, various avatars of Vishnu (Mahavisnu, Nrisimha, Hayagriva, Rama, Krishna), Lakshmana, Hanuman, goddesses such as Devi and Mahalakshmi, as well as Shiva.

Argyle Park produced one album, Misguided, which was released to both high acclaim and heavy criticism in 1995 and featured a number of collaborators from mainstream industrial rock bands and Christian rock bands alike.

The legend-filled Mirabilia remained the standard guide to the city until the fifteenth century.

Much of current design practice has been influenced and guided by design methods.

Melchiorri in his 19th century guide of Rome, mentions a Roman matron by the name of Apollonia founded the church.

Mosquito distributors have said that they keep standards to ensure that the device is not abused, and Howard Stapleton who invented the device has asked European governments to legislate guidelines governing its use.

Grace sends Poomo, a fairy, to guide them as she gives them the power of the Prominence, which allows them to use magic that will allow them to save the Sun's Blessing.

Placement of a pull quote on a page may be defined in a publication's or website's style guide.

Tour guide and information service.

Accessories such as trigger shoes, finger-rests, belt clips, steel guide rods to replace the factory installed polymer guide rod, gray- and OD green-colored polymer grip housings, night sights, and other accessories are also available from the manufacturer.

दर्शरेखक इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

McCormick family A course deviation indicator (CDI) is an avionics instrument used in aircraft navigation to determine an aircraft's lateral position in relation to a course to or from a radio navigation beacon.

The indicator shows the direction to steer to correct for course deviations.

When used with a VOR or VORTAC, the instrument can be referred to as an "omni bearing indicator" ("OBI").

The courseline is selected by turning an "omni bearing selector" or "OBS" knob usually located in the lower left of the indicator.

Horizontal situation indicator.

" This name may simply be a given name or nickname; alternatively, it may be an indicator of his ethnicity (e.

In combination with the impacts of small cage sizes, their spacing and lack of internal structures, there are several indicators of poor welfare.

Physiological indicators.

Elevated corticosteroid concentrations are a widely acknowledged indicator of physiological stress.

Other physiological indicators of stress and potentially reduced welfare include growth retardation and ulcers.

Behavioural indicators.

Developments also continued in air interception, and a radar with a narrow rotating beam and plan-position-indicator (PPI) was developed and used by the RAF to direct fighters in October 1940.

A study into the plant growing adventitious roots found that "actively growing axillary buds, wide stems and mature leaves" are good indicators that a cutting will take root successfully and survive.

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