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पाहुन Meaning in English

पाहुन शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : pahun
, guest

पाहुन इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

Sakkara returned to the Queen's temple on her wedding night and attacked the married couple and their guests.

The third main segment, "Spotlight", typically focused more on cultural topics and features a final guest.

Ashley - known in those days as "Tyger" - became a regular guest in the Peggs' Leeds flat, which they shared with their young daughter Clancy.

The lower 19-floors are a Radisson Blu hotel, which opened to guests on 16 January 2006 whilst the upper floors were still being furnished.

The event is attended by some 15,000 guests who enter free of charge, and is held on several different stages throughout the town area.

This list is not to be confused with the "guest stars" list below, which identifies celebrities who were famous in their own right prior to their appearance at the Gala.

On Monday June 16, the morning after the final show at Giants Stadium in New Jersey, Sting, Peter Gabriel, tour promoter Bill Graham and Amnesty director Jack Healey were guests on the Today Show.

In 1977, Raye subsequently acted in the medical soap opera The Young Doctors, playing the guest role of Rosalie Parker.

Angie's Round The Table is a debate show presented by Le Mar, with six invited guests debating on social issues and topics that affect ordinary people, literally around a table set in a casual environment.

The audience is invited to play a role in the proceedings, either as members of the royal court or as guests at a royal event, such as a wedding or Christmas celebration.

Stick around long enough and guests may even have the opportunity to see them dive into the pond in search of snacks.

The record became a major hit in New York and led to Crewe's receiving "teen heartthrob" coverage in such popular teen magazines as 16 Magazine, and to guest appearances with Mickey Rooney and Connie Francis on such TV variety shows as The Revlon Revue.

The first major fund-raiser for the fund has been a Daytona 500 viewing party in Indianapolis, today well-attended with a silent auction and notable names in auto racing in the state as guests.

पाहुन हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

पाहुन केहू आवे त परान अस जोगाइला।

यह इतना बड़ा है, कि भारत के प्रथम राष्ट्रपति श्री राजेंद्र प्रसाद ने यहां ना रहकर, पाहुना स्कंध में रहना पसंद किया।

भारत के राष्ट्रपति, उन कक्षों में नहीं रहते, जहां वाइसरॉय रहते थे, बल्कि वे पाहुना कक्ष में रहते हैं।

कान्त पाहुन काम दारुण सघने खर शर हन्तिया ॥७॥।

यूनिकोड से जुड़े लोग पाहुना: द लिटिल विज़िटर्ज़ पर्पल पेबल पिक्चर्ज़ के बैनर के नीचे प्रियंका चोपड़ा द्वारा निर्मित और पाखी टायरवाला द्वारा निर्देशित एक भारतीय नेपाली भाषा फ़िल्म है।

""१९६१ में निधन अतिथि का अर्थ होता है पाहुन

"" यह इतना बड़ा है, कि भारत के प्रथम राष्ट्रपति श्री राजेंद्र प्रसाद ने यहां ना रहकर, पाहुना स्कंध में रहना पसंद किया।

हाइकु : 'प्रतिबिंबित तुम', 'सन्नाटा खिंचे दिन', 'दु:ख तो पाहुन हैं', 'बांसुरी है तुम्हारी' और 'अक्षर हीरे मोती'।

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