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अतिथिशाला Meaning in English

अतिथिशाला शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : guesthouse
, guest house

अतिथिशाला इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

There are three luxury guest houses here.

The monastery has a guest house and a tea shop.

There are several lodges and guest houses in Kazungula Township, along the Zambezi River.

Simon was born Peter Thompson in Sheffield, Yorkshire, and lived with his mother - a nurse in the local hospital - in a guest house next to a newsagent's in a poor part of the seaside town of Bridlington, East Riding of Yorkshire.

He is currently the largest private investor in Gbarpolu County with the construction of a 25 bedroom guest house under construction in Bopolu City, and a major gas station at Bomi and Gbarpolu counties North Western border.

After the meeting, he came back in a mood described as "euphoric" to the guest house in Phnom Penh where the three were staying.

The commandry was demolished in her reign but the guest house survived until it burned down in 1927.

However, he contracted malaria and remained in a guest house called Bait al-Ansar in Peshawar for a year before attending Sayyaf's camp, where'd he trained on an AK-47 with a group named Ittihad-i-Islami.

He converted to Catholicism and in 1846 he presented himself at the guest house of Mount St Bernard, where he was accepted into the community by Abbot Palmer.

The kitchen, dining and sleeping areas were all in one glass-enclosed room, which Johnson initially lived in, together with the brick guest house (later the glass-walled building was only used for entertaining).

The area includes at least twelve registered B"B's, guest houses and guest farms.

Longido includes some basic accommodation (guest houses), restaurants, bars, and general stores.

Located in the far north of the island, Tabwewa boasts administrative buildings, a wharf, a post office, court house, a hospital, and a guest house – the only one on the island.

अतिथिशाला हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

इस संपत्ति में प्रधानमंत्री का निजी आवासीय क्षेत्र, कार्यगृह, सभागृह एवं अतिथिशाला स्थित हैं।

विक्रमशिला विश्वविद्यालय में विद्याध्ययन के लिए आने वाले तिब्बत के विद्वानों के लिए अलग से एक अतिथिशाला थी।

इसमें प्रधानमंत्री का निजी आवासीय क्षेत्र, कार्यगृह, सभागृह एवं अतिथिशाला स्थित हैं।

विक्रम के इस तरह विश्वास दिलाने पर ब्राह्मण परिवार अतिथिशाला में आकर रहने लगा।

"" अतिथिशाला में आजीवन रहनेवाले अतिथि की तरह हम लोग प्रभु के आश्रम में पड़े हैं, यह भारतभूमि भारतीयों के लिए भी एक विराट अतिथिशाला बन गई है।

विक्रम ने ब्राह्मण से कहा कि वह उनके अतिथिशाला में जब तक चाहे अपने परिवार के साथ रह सकता है तथा उसकी हर ज़रुरत पूरी की जाएगी।

आजकल इसे महत्वपूर्ण मेहमानों के लिए अतिथिशाला के रूप में उपयोग किया जाता है।

आश्रम से लगभग दो सो मीटर दूर एक छोटी अतिथिशाला भी है, जहां बाहर से आने वाले साधकों के ठहरने की व्यवस्था है।

पवित्र भीम सरोवर, जल-यंत्र, कथा-मण्डपम यज्ञशाला, संत निवास, अतिथिशाला, गोशाला आदि स्थित हैं।

अपने अतिथिशाला के दिनों में इसकी भव्यता देखते बनती थी एवं इसने कई पार्टिया आयोजित होती थी।

अतिथिशाला इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

The manor houses a small museum and a guesthouse.

Its premises include three studios, a concert hall, hard and software workshops, offices, and a guesthouse for artists in residence.

Lorsch's oldest guesthouse, the Weißes Kreuz.

Almrei says he was contacted by al-Marabh, from the Kunduz guesthouse, while the latter was still living in the United States, and was asked to help him acquire a false passport for C'2,000.

While waiting for the phone to ring, Jill sees a shadow moving in the guesthouse.

Believing it is the Mandrakis' son back from college, she goes to investigate but finds the guesthouse empty.

The manor's stable has been reconstructed as a guesthouse.

The central core of the monastery was surrounded by a walled precinct containing gardens, fishponds (several of which still survive close to the abbey buildings), orchards, barns, guesthouses, stables, a farmyard and industrial buildings.

There are also guesthouses available to meet additional temporary housing needs.

There is almost no tourism in this parish of Grenada, with only a few small guesthouses such as the Mango Bay Cottages in Woodford.

The town contains numerous large and small sanatoria, hotels and guesthouses to accommodate the many visitors who descend upon the lake in summer.

In the 1920s camping facilities were developed near the caves to accommodate the number of tourists who visited the area on bus tours and who stayed in the local guesthouses, hotels or at the new campsite.

As well as a public house, the Tinner's Arms, next to it is a guesthouse.

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