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अग्रेवपूर्ण ढंग से Meaning in English

अग्रेवपूर्ण ढंग से शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : progressively
, forwardly

अग्रेवपूर्ण-ढंग-से इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

For example, the causative suffix ‘’-chi’’ may seem straightforwardly inflectional in some instances:.

The nominative theory suggests that -i as the plural of nouns in -o and -e as the plural of nouns in -a are derived straightforwardly from nominative -Ī and -AE, respectively (it is known that AE > e in all Romance languages), and that the plural -i for nouns in -e is derived by analogy with the plural of nouns in -o.

Depending on the author and intention, the term can be used straightforwardly, in parody, or as a criticism.

The Negative has to straightforwardly argue what the better diction is, for example, that the resolution is to "significantly enhance the economic standard of living of" some social-economic group of persons.

Two linearly independent solutions for this ODE can be straightforwardly found using characteristic equations except for the case when the discriminant, b^2 - 4 a c, vanishes.

The optical absorption spectrum of a solid is most straightforwardly calculated from the electronic band structure using Fermi's Golden Rule where the relevant matrix element to be evaluated is the dipole operator \vec{A} \cdot \vec{p} where \vec{A} is the vector potential and \vec{p} is the momentum operator.

Even though a plan could be straightforwardly topical as to the resolution's policy agency, the action of the policy (the plan) has to justify the resolution by some standard, such as necessary and sufficient, for example.

is straightforwardly implemented as.

Linguist and OED consultant Benjamin Zimmer pointed out that the word truthiness already had a history in literature and appears in the Oxford English Dictionary (OED), as a derivation of truthy, and The Century Dictionary, both of which indicate it as rare or dialectal, and to be defined more straightforwardly as "truthfulness, faithfulness".

which can also be derived from the cubic harmonic orbitals straightforwardly.

In the film's international release, press releases straightforwardly noted "Faraway, So Close marks Mikhail Gorbachev's feature film debut".

अग्रेवपूर्ण-ढंग-से इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

In reality, the dismantlement of the palace likely occurred progressively over time, beginning well before 1707 and also continuing after Moulay Isma'il.

Federal government revenue sharing to municipalities had been progressively reduced from 1981 onwards, and had ended by the time Barthelemy took office in 1986.

The Toronto cards got progressively weaker through 1983-84, dwindling down to audiences of 3,000 for some shows.

The training of Ammunition Examiners, Ammunition Technicians and Ammunition Technical Officers at the Army School of Ammunition became progressively more specialised during the 1950s and '60s.

The only way of achieving this is to purposely design the supply to require less than 100% of the input's modulation cycle when the elements are first put in place, progressively opening the supply up towards delivering 100% of the input modulation cycle as the elements age.

The Christmas Bush is similar to some recursive fractal structures where the large scale shape of the robot is repeated a number of times in progressively smaller size.

While the tune was composed prior to the Legion's departure for Mexico in the 1860s, the lyrics were progressively composed after the Franco-Prussian War since Alsatians and Lorrains flocked to the legion after the regions were annexed by Germany.

Reuse of proven designs allowed progressively more complicated ICs to be built upon prior knowledge.

boppier and sillier than Wheels of Steel, but still catchy", denouncing "the band's progressively feeble song skills while gaining points for conviction.

" Rehabilitation tasks are implemented following a program that progressively increases difficulty, beginning with simple movements designed for reaching for or indicating objects following by copying figures in two dimensions, and concluding with the construction of three-dimensional figures.

The clues (vertical line and numbers) were progressively eliminated.

On the actual surface of the globe, the cells are approximately “square” only adjacent to the equator, and become progressively narrower and tapered (also with curved northern and southern boundaries) as they approach the poles, and cells adjoining the poles are unique in possessing three faces rather than four.

Jessica becomes progressively more violent and obsessive with Dolly.

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