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जीवाश्मीकृत Meaning in English

जीवाश्मीकृत शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : fossilized
, fossilised

जीवाश्मीकृत इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

along with the fossilised vertebrae of a whale.

The coprolite was found in 1972 beneath the site of what was to become the York branch of Lloyds Bank and may be the largest example of fossilised human faeces ever found, measuring long and wide.

Most of the fossilised plant material in the lignite is from Sequoia couttsiae.

This is considered to have been produced during Caenozoic to Palaeocene tropical conditions, as evidenced by mottled duricrust which records fossilised tree roots, some over 60 million years old.

In many Plateau languages, many CV- prefixes have become fossilised, replaced by V- prefixes, or disappeared altogether.

Mammoth fossilised bone remains have been found below flint beds under considerable clay in the low hills by the bank of the River Mole in Betchworth.

Its sandstone bedrock containing samples of fossilised Lycopodites.

The fossilised remains of eight mammoths were found in Woodhill quarry, Kilmaurs.

The regolith of the Yilgarn impacts directly on the flora and fauna, as some of the soil is essentially fossilised.

Further north is the White Cliff, where the exposed limestone contains fossilised corals.

Acacias in Australia probably evolved their fire resistance about 20 million years ago when fossilised charcoal deposits show a large increase, indicating that fire was a factor even then.

The only described species, Kakuru kujani, is known primarily from evidence of a single tibia, which had been fossilised through a rare process in which the bone through hydration turned to opal.

जीवाश्मीकृत हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

"" उद्यानकृषि (बागवानी) विभाग के वनस्पति उद्यान में पौधों की एक बहुत व्यापक विविधता है और 2 करोड़ वर्ष पुराना एक जीवाश्मीकृत पेड़ का तना भी है।

जीवाश्मीकृत अवशेष और समकालीन पौधे की कोशिका संरचना और आकार भी समान हैं, जो इंगित करता है कि दोनों पौधे त्रिगुणित हैं और इसीलिए त्रिगुणता की अत्यंत दुर्लभ घटना के चलते कृंतक उत्पन्न करते हैं।

यह अनुमान जीवाश्मीकृत पत्तियों की रेडियोकार्बन डेटिंग पर आधारित है जो 8.5 किमी की दूरी पर पाई गयीं थी।

जुरासिक पार्क की रचना जीवाश्मीकृत डीएनए (डीएनए) से एक टेरोसोर की क्लोनिंग की एक पटकथा के विचार से हुई थी।

उद्यानकृषि (बागवानी) विभाग के वनस्पति उद्यान में पौधों की एक बहुत व्यापक विविधता है और 2 करोड़ वर्ष पुराना एक जीवाश्मीकृत पेड़ का तना भी है।

जीवाश्मीकृत इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

Carpolite in paleontology refers to a fossilized fruit, nut, or seed.

Most neotropical ambers come from its fossilized resin, including the famous Dominican amber.

Sages landscape paintings feature the tactile and rhythmic patterns that resembles elements from nature, such as leaf skeletons, maggots, seeds, or weathered wood and fossilized tracks.

Around 1859, the geologist and Newburgh minister John Anderson discovered what turned out to be extensive sandstone deposits of ganoid fossilized fish in this area.

Under recent renovation, the Conservatory currently houses an exhibit on Living Fossils showing many types of prehistoric plant life, fossilized foliage, mosses, and ferns.

Scientists reach these conclusions from a study of types of micro-organisms fossilized in the clay sediments laid down in the Eemian Sea, and from the included pollen of Corylus, Carpinus and Betula.

Three fossilized molars from Jianshi, China (Longgudong Cave) were later identified as belonging to an Australopithecus species (Gao, 1975).

In Gesti vegetali ("Vegetation Gestures"), a series of sculptures which Penone began to work on in 1982, Penone "fossilized" the imprints of his hands on strips of clay stuck to a dummy that served as a frame.

These remains, the fossilized fragments of a skull of a female and the jawbones of three individuals dating back to 16,500"nbsp;years ago, were the earliest known human remains in the Philippines, until a metatarsal from the Callao Man discovered in 2007 was dated in 2010 by uranium-series dating as being 67,000"nbsp;years old.

He worked on Natural theology and wrote on fossilized tracks.

The Peace River is a popular destination for fossil hunters who dig and sift the river gravel for fossilized shark teeth and prehistoric mammal bones.

"Las Termas" baths are open from mid-December to April and are located in an area famous for its large populations of Tricahues, a type of native parrot, and fossilized dinosaur footprints.

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