अग्रसरणशीलता Meaning in English
अग्रसरणशीलता शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : permanence
, forwardness
ऐसे ही कुछ और शब्द
आगे को ढकेलनेवालाअग्रेव्ससेंट
गलत खेल
दुर्गंध फैलाने वाली वस्तु
अग्रसरणशीलता इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
His two Haydn Society LPs, from the early 1950s, of Joseph Haydn's Symphonies 26 ("Lamentation") and 36 and Symphonies 52 and 56, are distinguished for their forthright conciseness and straightforwardness, without gratuitous ritardandi or other tempo changes not requested by Haydn in the score.
" The sea, unlike his own command, makes sense to him in its "absolute straightforwardness.
अग्रसरणशीलता इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
Later, the chemical was produced with increasingly small grinds and without carefully removing impurities; its permanence suffered.
Basin permanence index: .
While neorealism shares a focus on the international system with the English school, neorealism differs in the emphasis it places on the permanence of conflict.
The Upanishadic thought (Hindu) postulated the impermanence of matter and body, but the existence of an unchanging, eternal metaphysical reality of Brahman and Ātman (soul, self).
The Buddhist thought also postulated impermanence, but denied the existence of any unchanging, eternal soul or self and instead posited the concept of anatta (no-self).
According to the vedāntin (Upanishadic) conceptual scheme, the Buddhists were wrong in denying permanence and absolutism, and within the Buddhist conceptual scheme, the vedāntins were wrong in denying the reality of impermanence.
Despite the decision to join the European Community, internal Labour divisions over EEC membership prompted the Labour Party to propose a referendum be held on the permanence of the UK in the Communities.
Two significant manmade structures are nearby, and due to their size and permanence have become a part of local topography: the elevated beds of the rail spur winding around the base of Parker Mountain, and the Frisco Railroad.
The permanence of our Lorentz invariance constants are based on elementary particles and their features.
Other reasons for the prevalence of suffering concern the concepts of impermanence and illusion (maya).
Since everything is in a constant state of impermanence or flux, individuals experience dissatisfaction with the fleeting events of life.
The sense of impermanence and danger also featured in her artworks in galleries, such as Sand/Fans (1971 and again in 2008), which featured four industrial fans pointed at a central heap of 4000 pounds of sand.