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अश्मीभूत Meaning in English

अश्मीभूत शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : fossilised
, fossilized

अश्मीभूत इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

Art schools in Canada Vero man refers to a set of fossilized human bones found near Vero (now Vero Beach), Florida, in 1915 and 1916.

Carpolite in paleontology refers to a fossilized fruit, nut, or seed.

The group began excavating Miocene baleen whale fossils at an ancient seabed in Peru, and Hendrickson joined the team for several summers, discovering fossilized dolphins, seals, and sharks.

These remains, the fossilized fragments of a skull of a female and the jawbones of three individuals dating back to 16,500"nbsp;years ago, were the earliest known human remains in the Philippines, until a metatarsal from the Callao Man discovered in 2007 was dated in 2010 by uranium-series dating as being 67,000"nbsp;years old.

Doubled consonants within a single morpheme are rare, a notable example being the verb -itta "see", and possibly indicates a fossilized double morpheme.

Some of the quartzite contains fossilized worm burrows and is known as pipe rock.

Most neotropical ambers come from its fossilized resin, including the famous Dominican amber.

Sages landscape paintings feature the tactile and rhythmic patterns that resembles elements from nature, such as leaf skeletons, maggots, seeds, or weathered wood and fossilized tracks.

Colbert documented the discovery of over a thousand well-preserved fossilized skeletons of a small Triassic dinosaur called Coelophysis in a quarry here.

The fossilized remains of Rahonavis were first recovered from the Maevarano Formation in Madagascar in 1995 by a joint expedition of SUNY and the University of Antananarivo, near the village of Berivotra.

The outer edge of the bones, were EFS would have been found, was well-preserved, and still lacked any fossilized proof of them being present for Ampelosaurus.

To investigate the theory that cannibalism had been practiced at the Cowboy Wash site, Richard Marlar, a University of Colorado molecular biologist examined the coprolite (fossilized human feces) found on site and discovered it tested positive for human myoglobin, which is found in human muscle tissue.

fragilis is known only from a single fossilized bone fragment (specimen number IVPP V636) from the late Cretaceous Period Wangshi Series of Shandong province in eastern China.

अश्मीभूत हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

अश्मीभवन का अति उत्तम उदाहरण अश्मीभूत काष्ठ हैं जो देखने में बिल्कुल वैसे ही दिखलाई पड़ते हैं जैसा जीवित पादपों का काष्ठ होता है।

""जीवाश्मिकी की परिभाषा देते हुए ट्वेब होफ़ेल और आक ने लिखा है : जीवाश्मिकी वह विज्ञान है, जो आदिम पौधें तथा जंतुओं के अश्मीभूत अवशेषों द्वारा प्रकट भूतकालीन भूगर्भिक युगों के जीवनकी व्याख्या करता है।

"" इसप्रकार के आदिम आवा भ्रूणीय प्रकारों के उदाहरण कशेरुकों में विशेष करके देखने को मिलते हैं, क्योंकि इनमें कंकाल जीवन के अति प्रारंभिक काल ही में अश्मीभूत हो जाते हैं।

अत: हमें उनके अश्मीभूत नमूनों से जो ज्ञान प्राप्त होता या हो सकता है, वह विच्छिन्न ही है, या होगा।

जीवाश्मिकी की परिभाषा देते हुए ट्वेब होफ़ेल और आक ने लिखा है : जीवाश्मिकी वह विज्ञान है, जो आदिम पौधें तथा जंतुओं के अश्मीभूत अवशेषों द्वारा प्रकट भूतकालीन भूगर्भिक युगों के जीवनकी व्याख्या करता है।

इस प्रकार यह स्पष्ट है कि जीवाश्म विज्ञान आदिकालीन जीवजंतुओं का, उने अश्मीभूत अवशेषों के आधार पर अध्ययन करता है।

कभी-कभी अश्मीभूत जंतुओं की खोखली अस्थियों, जैसे कपाल (स्कल), हाथ पैर की हड्डियों, खोलों आदि के भीतर की वसा या मज्जा नष्ट हो जाती है और उसमें दूसरे पदार्थों के अवसाद भर जाते हैं।

सन्‌ 1820 तक केवल 127 अश्मीभूत वनस्पतियों तथा 2,100 जंतुओं का ही पता चला था, जो 1840 तक बढ़कर क्रमश: 2,050 तथा 24,300 की संख्या तक पहुँच गया।

इसी प्रकार दलदलों, गीली मिट्टयों और भूमि पर पड़े पशुपक्षियों के पदचिह्न भी अश्मीभूत हो गए हैं।

कुछ जंतुओं की विष्ठा भी अश्मीभूत रूप में प्राप्त होती हैं।

वर्तमान स्तनधारियों में सर्वाधिक सफल एवं समृद्ध गण कृंतक (Rodentia) का है, जिसमें १०१ जातियाँ जीवित प्राणियों की तथा ६१ जातियाँ अश्मीभूत (Fossilized) प्राणियों की रखी गई हैं।

कुछ समुद्री मछलियों तथा अन्य जंतुओं की अन्ननली में दूसरी छोटी मछलियाँ या कीड़े मकोड़े, पशुपक्षी, अधपके मांस (अश्मीभूत) आदि भी पाए गए हैं।

इसप्रकार के आदिम आवा भ्रूणीय प्रकारों के उदाहरण कशेरुकों में विशेष करके देखने को मिलते हैं, क्योंकि इनमें कंकाल जीवन के अति प्रारंभिक काल ही में अश्मीभूत हो जाते हैं।

अश्मीभूत इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

Acacias in Australia probably evolved their fire resistance about 20 million years ago when fossilised charcoal deposits show a large increase, indicating that fire was a factor even then.

Further north is the White Cliff, where the exposed limestone contains fossilised corals.

Mammoth fossilised bone remains have been found below flint beds under considerable clay in the low hills by the bank of the River Mole in Betchworth.

Most of the fossilised plant material in the lignite is from Sequoia couttsiae.

The fossilised remains of eight mammoths were found in Woodhill quarry, Kilmaurs.

along with the fossilised vertebrae of a whale.

In many Plateau languages, many CV- prefixes have become fossilised, replaced by V- prefixes, or disappeared altogether.

The only described species, Kakuru kujani, is known primarily from evidence of a single tibia, which had been fossilised through a rare process in which the bone through hydration turned to opal.

This is considered to have been produced during Caenozoic to Palaeocene tropical conditions, as evidenced by mottled duricrust which records fossilised tree roots, some over 60 million years old.

The regolith of the Yilgarn impacts directly on the flora and fauna, as some of the soil is essentially fossilised.

The coprolite was found in 1972 beneath the site of what was to become the York branch of Lloyds Bank and may be the largest example of fossilised human faeces ever found, measuring long and wide.

Its sandstone bedrock containing samples of fossilised Lycopodites.

अश्मीभूत Meaning in Other Sites