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zygote Meaning in Tamil ( zygote வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



zygote's Usage Examples:

This is in consonance with the facts already mentioned that zoospores germinate forthwith, and that the sexually-produced cell or zygote enters upon a period of rest.

Oocyst-A developmental stage of certain parasitic organisms, including those responsible for malaria and toxoplasmosis, in which the zygote of the organism is enclosed in a cyst.

The articles cover a wide range of topics in applied ethics, for example, ' what is the ethical status of zygotes?Rowland, in repeating Buchner's experiments, found that zymase possessed properties differing from all other enzymes, thus: dilution with twice its volume of water practically destroys the fermentative power of the yeast juice.

heterozygote carrier.

Blood phenylalanine levels are elevated, but otherwise these heterozygotes show no symptoms and may even enjoy a heterozygote advantage.

An albino is a homozygote; that is, all its gametes are carrying the character of albinism and none of them bear the alternative character - the allelomorph - of pigmentation.

methionine homozygote French case of variant CJD has been identified.

The profound lack of circulating a1-antitrypsin predisposes the Z a1-antitrypsin homozygote to early onset emphysema.

The zygote soon begins to divide rapidly in a process called cleavage, first into two identical cells called blastomeres, which further divide to four cells, then into eight, and so on.

Similarly, other fertility techniques such as gamete intrafallopian transfer (GIFT) and zygote intrafallopian transfer (ZIFT) are also more likely to result in multiple gestations.

heterozygote frequency among people with French Canadian background living in Massachusetts.

After the sperm penetrates the egg, a zygote cell is formed, which is a critical cell containing DNA that composes the genetic information for the developing baby.


fertilized ovum, heterozygote, homozygote, cell,


voltaic cell, electrolytic cell,

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