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zamindar Meaning in Tamil ( zamindar வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


அடுக்காக அமைதல்,

zamindar's Usage Examples:

The same English prejudice which made a landlord of the zamindar could recognize nothing but a tenantat-will in the ryot.

The zamindar himself is a creation of the Mahommedans, unknown to the early Hindu system.

At the same time the nawab made a grant to the company of the zamindari rights over an extensive tract of country round Calcutta, now known as the district of the Twenty-four Parganas.

The zamindar was conspicuous and useful; the village community and the cultivating ryot did not force themselves into notice.

The zamindar seemed a solvent person, capable of keeping a contract; and his official position as tax-collector was confused with the proprietary rights of an English landlord.

If the offer of the zamindar was not deemed satisfactory, another contractor was substituted in his place.

The same view recommended itself to the authorities at home, partly because it would place their finances on a more stable basis, partly because it seemed to identify the zamindar with the more familiar landlord.

The Madras Government was accordingly instructed to enter into permanent engagements with zamindars, and, where no zamindars could be found, to create substitutes out of enterprising contractors.

The prevailing system throughout the Madras presidency is the ryotwari, which takes the cultivator or peasant proprietor as its rent-paying unit, somewhat as the Bengal system takes the zamindar.

The authorities in England favoured the zamindars system already at work in Bengal, which appeared at least calculated to secure punctual payment.

The raja of Benares had certain special rights as zamindar, and in 1910 it was arranged to make part of his "family domain" a new native state with an area of 887 sq.

The zamindars of that time were raised to the status of landlords, with rights of transfer and inheritance, subject always to the payment in perpetuity of a rent-charge.

Clive's jagir, as it was called, subsequently became a matter of inquiry in England, and on his death it passed to the company, thus merging the zamindari in the proprietary rights.

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