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wroot Meaning in Tamil ( wroot வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


வார்த்தையின் மூலம், வேர்,

wroot தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

தெற்காசிய நாடுகளுக்கு உள்ளே ஏதாவது சிக்கல் வந்தால் அவற்றை இருதரப்பு பேச்சுவார்த்தையின் மூலம் அமைதியாக தீர்த்துக்கொள்ள வேண்டும்.

'பராத்தா' என்கிற வார்த்தையின் மூலம் சமஸ்கிருதத்தில் இருக்கலாம் என நம்பப்படுகிறது.

9) உளவியல் மூலம் / வார்த்தையின் மூலம் அவமதித்தல்.

wroot's Usage Examples:

slake the arrowroot in a little water and using a whisk mix little by little until you have a sauce consistency.

The bread-fruit, sago, banana, vanilla, ginger, arrowroot and curcuma grow wild.

The natives use no grain or pulse, but make a kind of bread (mandrai) from this, the taro, and other roots, as well as from the banana (which is the best), the bread-fruit, the ivi, the kavika, the arrowroot, and in times of scarcity the mangrove.

The underground stems (rhizomes or tubers) are rich in starch; from that of Arum maculatum Portland arrowroot was formerly extensively prepared by pounding with water and then straining; the starch was deposited from the strained liquid.

Thickeners, like arrowroot powder or cornstarch, are substitutes for recipes calling for gelatin.

arrowroot powder dissolved in about 2 ounces of water.

Oranges, lemons, grapes, passion fruit, figs, pine-apples, guavas and other fruits grow abundantly; while potatoes, onions, maize and arrowroot can be cultivated.

There are other starch based thickeners available to cooks like cornstarch, arrowroot, or potato starch and even rice flour, but generally all kitchens will have flour and butter and these are the best ingredients to use to make a roux.

Besides fruits of nearly all kinds there are cultivated in the low moist regions the sugar-cane, the tea, coffee and tobacco plants, arrowroot, cayenne pepper, cotton, 'c.

Among the food-giving plants are rice - the staff of life to the majority of the Malagasy - in many varieties, maize, millet, manioc, yams,;sweet-potatoes, arrowroot, which is largely used by the western tribes - as well as numerous vegetables, many of them of foreign introduction.

The mild climate assists the growth of esculent plants and roots; and a considerable trade is carried on with New York, principally in onions, early potatoes, tomatoes, and beetroot, together with lily bulbs, cut flowers and some arrowroot.

Agricultural products are wheat, millet, Indian corn, pulse, arrowroot and many varieties of fruits and vegetables.

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