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written Meaning in Tamil ( written வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)

எழுதி வைக்கப்பட்டிருக்கிற

written's Usage Examples:

In catalogues and bibliographies, however, the expression is now generally used, conveniently if incorrectly, as synonymous with Jewish literature, including all works written by Jews in Hebrew characters, whether the language be Aramaic, Arabic or even some vernacular not related to Hebrew.

After mounting are written - usually in the right-hand corner of the sheet, or on a label there affixed - the designation of each species, the date and place of gathering, and the name of the collector.

All her invitations without exception, written in French, and delivered by a scarlet-liveried footman that morning, ran as follows:He wandered about in Turin for some time, and at last established himself as footman to a Madame de Vercellis.

So too, in his English in Ireland (1872-1874), which was written to show the futility of attempts to conciliate the Irish, he aggravates all that can be said against the Irish, touches too lightly on English atrocities,and writes unjustly of the influence of Roman Catholicism.

engraved gems and gem impressions; legends written with pigment on pottery (rare); characters incised on stone or pottery.

Many card issuers make it easier to make a written notification by providing you with a form, called an affidavit, for you to complete to show why you believe the charge to be fraudulent.

They are a useful addition and correction to the Croker Papers, written from a Tory point of view.

, written by a monk of Saint Denis, commissioned officially to write the history of his time, edited by C.

Given what you have written in your question, I don't believe she has been unfaithful.

, and accompanied with numerous scenes painted in brilliant colours, proves how ancient was this very natural method of elucidating a written text by means of pictures.

lyricism of the written word achieves grandiose heights and evokes divine inspiration.


graphic, in writing, handwritten, scrivened, shorthand, backhand, longhand, engrossed, holographic, graphical, cursive, scripted, left-slanting, inscribed,


unrealistic, forehand, inattentive, spoken, unscripted,

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