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wraith Meaning in Tamil ( wraith வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



wraith தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


wraith's Usage Examples:

Although all quests can be accessed at the same time, once a wraith heart is collected the level is reset.

Among these phenomena are: trance and unconsciousness, sickness, death, clairvoyance, dreams, apparitions of the dead, wraiths, hallucinations, echoes, shadows and reflections.

The castle of Edinburgh was surrendered by Gordon, and Balcarres was put in that prison where, according to legend, he was visited by the wraith of Dundee, on the night of the battle of Killiecrankie.

They are regarded as a death omen and should a person see a wraith of themselves then their days are surely numbered.

wraith heart is collected the level is reset.

And leap by leap, like some pale frost wraith, the snowshoe rabbit flashed on ahead.

Now, as I dare to say I was deceived, I face each night my father 's vengeful wraith.

We might expect persons who have experienced spontaneous visual hallucinations, of the kind vulgarly styled "ghosts" or "wraiths," to succeed in inducing pictures in a glass ball.

Now, as I dare to say I was deceived, I face each night my father's vengeful wraith.


phantasm, fantasm, phantasma, ghost, shadow, specter, spook, phantom, spectre, apparition, shade,


real, disappearance, stay, brighten, colorlessness,

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