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wound Meaning in Tamil ( wound வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


இரணம், பண், காயம்,



wound தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

வயிறு சுத்தமாகவும், பித்தம் போக்கவும் தொண்டைப் புண் ஆறவும் காது இரணம் நீங்கவும் இப் பூ கைக்கண்ட மருந்து.

wound's Usage Examples:

This is the least bad wound I.

In this horrifying denouement resulting from the clash of multiple perspectives, the audience confronts the dead, wounded, and defiant.

Some of them were talking (he heard Russian words), others were eating bread; the more severely wounded looked silently, with the languid interest of sick children, at the envoy hurrying past them.

If instead of being speared, he is caught by the hounds, he is soon worried to death by them, though frequently not before he has inflicted some severe wounds on one or more of the pack.

She awaited some sort of reprimand, already wounded by the thought of being publicly embarrassed.

Petroleum has very long been known as a source of light and heat, while the use of crude oil for the treatment of wounds and cutaneous affections, and as a lubricant, was even more general and led to the raw material being an article of commerce at a still earlier date.

To this position the defeated rebels crept, intent on expunging their defeat in the blood of the wounded Highlanders.

At certain seasons the wound bleeds, and the organismssome of which, by the bye, are remarkable and interesting formsmultiply in the nutritious sap and ferment it.

The linen dresses of women are fastened by a long sash or girdle, wound many times round the waist; the holiday attire being a white gown covered with embroideries, one or more brightly coloured aprons and necklaces of beads or coins.

De Ruyter, who led the van, was mortally wounded.

Natasha's wound healed in that way.

Blood gushed from the wound.


trauma, slash, raw wound, scratch, stigmata, lesion, scrape, harm, hurt, cut, bite, excoriation, slice, abrasion, laceration, gash, injury,


attach, enrich, increase, conform to, continue,

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