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witty Meaning in Tamil ( witty வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


சமத்காரமாய்ப் பேசுகிற, சரசமான,

witty தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

சரசமானது உறவுக்கு தயாராகும் இருவரிடையே தனது ஆவலை வெளிபடுத்தவும் தனது எதிர்பாலினரிடம் நம்பகமான நபராக தன்னை கட்டிக்கொள்ளவும், இவற்றை தொன்று தொட்டே மனிதகுலம் செய்து வருகிறது.

witty's Usage Examples:

His corruption, his mean submission to a tyrant wife, his greed, his pale face and lean person, which had succeeded to the handsome features and comeliness of earlier days,' were the subject of ridicule, f:om the witty sneers of Halifax to the coarse jests of the anonymous writers of innumerable lampoons.

"He had a thorough acquaintance with the gayest and most disreputable sides of Parisian life, and left a number of more or less witty stories dealing with it.

superannuated women and witty men.

The writing in the series is witty, with playful use of language but serious issues are seamlessly weaved into the text.

witty repartee, his words of wisdom are not unfortunately, repeatable here.

The world amused him mightily and he amused the world, always ready with a witty sally or a ribald joke.

We pass the witty epistles of Scarron and Voiture, to reach those of Boileau, whose epistles, twelve in number, are the classic examples of this form of verse in French literature; they were composed at different dates between 1668 and 1695.

They were also ridiculed in witty verses by Moliere, Boileau and La Fontaine, and gradually the name Escobar came to be used in France as a synonym for a person who is adroit in making the rules of morality harmonize with his own interests.

His fascinating manners, his witty sayings, and his ever-ready kindness and beneficence won for him a secure place in the respect and love of his fellow-citizens.

The joys and tragedy of his own life find their way onto the page in a moving, witty and spellbinding tale.

An honest, witty travelog of the author 's trials and tribulations traveling independently around China.

He had a thorough acquaintance with the gayest and most disreputable sides of Parisian life, and left a number of more or less witty stories dealing with it.

"Buonaparte?" said Bilibin inquiringly, puckering up his forehead to indicate that he was about to say something witty.


humourous, humorous,


humourless, displeasing, humorless,

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