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winge Meaning in Tamil ( winge வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)




winge தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


Image:Human-headed Winged Bulls Gate Khorsabad - Louvre 02aa.

image:Chestnut-Winged Cuckoo-1.

பண்டைய கிரேக்க செவ்விய காலத்தைச் சார்ந்த "சாமோத்ராக்கேயின் வெற்றி தேவதை" (Winged Victory of Samothrace) என்ற புகழ்மிக்க சிலையின் உடலைப் போர்த்தியிருக்கும் ஆடை கடற்காற்றில் அசைவதுபோல உருவாக்கப்பட்டதற்குப் பின் பல நூற்றாண்டுகளாக சிலைகளின் உடல் அசைவு தனிமைப்படுத்தப்பட்டு கலையாக்கம் பெறவில்லை.

Image:Winged Human-headed Bulls.

Winged Shield, Winged Sword: 1907-1950: A History of the United States Air Force, by Bernard C.

Image:Human-headed Winged Bulls Gate Khorsabad - Louvre 01a.

Study shows dinosaur could fly: Winged creature had birdlike senses, fossil X-rays reveal (San Francisco Chronicle, August 5, 2004).

* வெண்சிறகு ஆலா (White Winged Tern).

winge's Usage Examples:

Heinrich Schwabe established, in 1851, the cyclical variation, in eleven years, of spot-frequency; terrestrial magnetic disturbances manifestly obeyed the same law; and the peculiar winged aspect of the corona disclosed by the eclipse of the 29th of July 1878, at an epoch of minimum sun-spots, intimated to A.

Besides these waders there are plover (chidori); golden (muna-guro or aiguro); gray (dailee); ringed (shiro-chidori); spur-winged (ken) and Hartings sand-plover (ikaru-chidors); sand-pipersgreen (ashiroshigi) and spoon-billed (hera-shigi)-and water-hens (ban).

Whatever a grave doctor said must have some solid reasons behind it - aliqua niti probabilitate - and humble lay-folk could act upon it without a twinge of conscience.

swinger's club is only open to members.

CDFA will meet with the nursery and grape industries to discuss measures to reduce the movement of glassy-winged sharpshooter on nursery stock.

The cones, about the size of a small walnut, bear spirally arranged imbricated scales which subtend the three-angled winged seeds.

She wanted to know how I felt at that time, did I get twinges, how did I know I was pregnant?twinges of conscience in the matter of using Orion as material.

Time and again, terrifying winged humanoids have been seen, on the ground or in flight, by reliable witnesses.

The leaves of the cypresses are scale-like, overlapping and generally in four rows; the female catkins are roundish, and fewer than the male; the cones consist of from six to ten peltate woody scales, which end in a curved point, and open when the seeds are ripe; the seeds are numerous and winged.

The young leaves arise on the stem-apex as conical protuberances with winged borders, on which the pinnae appear as rounded humps, usually in basipetal order; the scale-leaves in their young condition resemble fronds, but the lamina remains undeveloped.

One marsh produced our only white tailed plover of the trip along with purple gallinule, many ruff and black winged stilts.

first lifer of the trip, from the aircraft steps, was Red-winged Starling perched on the terminal roof.

In common with the other Mascarene islands, it was the home of the dodo (Didus ineptus); there were also A phanapteryx, a species of rail, and a shortwinged heron (Ardea megacephala), which probably seldom flew.

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