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wilder Meaning in Tamil ( wilder வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



wilder தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

காடார்ந்த பகுதிகளில் பிடிக்கப்படும் இவ்வகை இனங்கள், பொதுவாக இருண்ட வால் பகுதியும் மற்றும் முதுகு துடுப்பு கீழ் மஞ்சள் வளைய புள்ளிகள் அல்லது பொட்டுக்கண் (Ocelli) போன்ற வண்ணம் பூசப்பட்டு காணப்படும்.

wilder's Usage Examples:

She met his bewildered gaze and wrinkled her nose.

Similarly the story of the original selection of the Levites in the wilderness mentions an uncompromising massacre of idolaters.

dazzled society by his Magyar uniform, which was encrusted all over, even to the boots, with pearls and diamonds; while the Turkish ambassador, Sarim Effendi, caused much diversion by his bewilderment.

This accounts for his bewildering versatility, and for his apparent want of grasp on conditions of fact.

At this time Barlaam, an eremite of great sanctity and knowledge, dwelling in the wilderness of Sennaritis, divinely warned, travels to India in the disguise of a merchant, and gains access to Prince Josaphat, to whom he imparts the Christian doctrine and commends the monastic life.

Such teaching necessarily brought Fox and his friends into conflict with all the religious bodies of England, and they were continually engaged in strife with the Presbyterians, Independents, Baptists, Episcopalians and the wilder sectaries, such as the Ranters and the Muggletonians.

It was afterward claimed that during the Second World War Attlee worked as a restraining influence on some of Churchill 's more wilder schemes.

"The situation developed into ruin under the strife of the wilder and the gentler preachers.

His expression was bewildered for only a fraction of a second, and then he made a face.

How long this state of things continued Dorothy could not even guess, she was so greatly bewildered.

-The narrative of the first journeying in the wilderness (xv.

The bewildered climbers looked longingly at their friends and especially Penny, but were trapped into listening to the galactic adventures of some creatures called "womps.


Samuel Wilder, Billy Wilder,



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