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wholesale Meaning in Tamil ( wholesale வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)

மொத்த வாணிகம்

wholesale's Usage Examples:

Some odd lots of skins arrive designated simply as "sundries," so no classification is possible, and this will account for the absence of a few names of skins of which the imports are insignificant in quantity, or are received direct by the wholesale merchants.

Other important manufactures are: slaughtering and meat packing (wholesale), "6,251,705 in 1905; malt liquors, "4,471,777; and foundry and machine shop products, "3,862,279.

organized wholesale robbery and murder of Jews, occurred in many places, it was believed with the connivance of the police and veiled approval in exalted quarters.

During the seven years of his married life Mill published less than in any other period of his career, but four of his most ' Mrs Taylor (Harriet Hardy) was the wife of John Taylor, a wholesale druggist in the city of London.

The nearness of Brazil to the coast of Africa made it easy for the Portuguese to supply the growing lack of native labour by the wholesale importation of purchased or kidnapped Africans.

The value of the wholesale slaughtering and meat-packing product decreased from "18,551,783 in 1880 and "11,356,511 in 1890 to "6,243,217 in 190o - of this 85,708,763 represented wholesale slaughtering alone; in 1905 the wholesale slaughtering product was valued at "7,568,739.

Licensed beauticians have more options than typical consumers do when it comes to buying hair care at wholesale prices.

The jobbing was frightful, and is probably inseparable from wholesale operations of this kind.

Searching for Jewelry wholesalers and jewelry wholesalers and Jewelry wholesale sources in UK?greeting cardters and wholesalers of specialty greetings cards which featuring the paintings and drawings of Vicky and Kate Speirs.

He was a Democratic representative in Congress from Illinois in 1875-1877 and again in 1879-1881; was first assistant postmaster-general in 1885-1889, and was severely criticized for his wholesale removal of Republican postmasters.

COPERNICUS (or [[Koppernigk), Nicolaus]] (1473-1543), Polish astronomer, was born on the 19th of February 1473, at Thorn in Prussian Poland, where his father, a native of Cracow, had settled as a wholesale trader.


marketing, merchandising, selling,


merchandising, selling, dissuade, retail,

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