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wheresoever Meaning in Tamil ( wheresoever வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



wheresoever's Usage Examples:

"He relieved the poor wheresoever he came, so that flies flock not thicker to spilt honey than beggars constantly crowd about him" (Fuller).

Walton tells us that "the love of a court conversation, mixed with a laudable ambition to be something more than he was, drew him often from Cambridge to attend the king wheresoever the court was," and James I.

'"He relieved the poor wheresoever he came, so that flies flock not thicker to spilt honey than beggars constantly crowd about him" (Fuller).

to have his place of recreation wheresoever he would appoint.

Thee all this universe, as it rolls circling round the earth, obeys wheresoever thou dost guide, and gladly owns thy sway.





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