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wheatear Meaning in Tamil ( wheatear வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


wheatear's Usage Examples:

Breckland has its own wildlife specialities, such as wheatear, the rare stone curlew and Breckland thyme and Spiked speedwell.

A dry well grazed area produced three woodchat shrikes along with masked shrike, 3 species of wheatear and hundreds of flava wagtail species.

Bird life here includes stonechats, wheatears and various seabirds.

Black-eared wheatear A gorgeous pale throated male north of the quarry, several around the barren northern shore of LE.

Philae included more white crowned black wheatears, gull billed terns, whiskered terns and a fantastic location.

Moorland birds include red grouse, snipe, curlew, wheatear and whinchat as well as ring ouzel.

Summer migrants on passage include wheatear, whinchat, yellow wagtail, tern species and many species of waders.

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