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wast Meaning in Tamil ( wast வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



wast தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

மே 9 - தோமசு பிளட் எனும் மதகுரு இலண்டன் கோபுரத்தில் இருந்த அரச நகைகளைக் கொளையடிக்க முற்பட்டுப் பிடிபட்டார்.

wast's Usage Examples:

the cultivation of the honey-bee as an appreciable source of income to the farmer, the peasant cultivator, and dwellers in districts where bee-forage is abundant and, if unvisited by the bee, lies wasting its sweetness on the desert air.

thermostable vaccines do not require reconstitution, which is a major cause of vaccine safety and wastage problems.

No point in wasting energy screaming now.

overstrained waste disposal facilities was not unnaturally a consideration in some of the policy issues that arose.

Swastikas: This symbol is worth noting as its original meaning has been changed and many people are unaware of its original purpose and place.

About 5 percent of victims develop hemolytic-uremic syndrome (HUS), which can result in sudden kidney failure that requires a medical procedure (dialysis) to perform the kidney's task of filtering the body's waste products.

The size and elaborateness of your tumbler will depend on the amount of waste you have to compost as well as your construction skill.

As no attempt was made to stop him in the Straits of Gibraltar, he passed them on the 16th of May, and though the rawness of his crews and his own error in wasting time in pursuit of prizes delayed his passage, he reached the mouth of the Delaware on the 8th of July unopposed.

Their pleasure charmed away King Frost's anger, and he, too, began to admire the painted trees, and at last he said to himself, My treasures are not wasted if they make little children happy.

Such estates have increased greatly in number and extent, not only in Java but elsewhere, since the agrarian law of 1870, under which it became possible for settlers to obtain waste lands on hereditary lease for 75 years.

The plants incase the waste in glass blocks for eventual disposal either in the UK or in one of BNF's customer countries.

Pitt's debts were the result of a wasteful indifference to his private affairs.

Another menace is the Vidiians, a race blighted by a wasting illness, who would be worthy of pity if they didn't deal with their problem by involuntary organ harvesting.

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