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volost Meaning in Tamil ( volost வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


வழி தவறிய, இழந்த,

volost தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

இவரது வழி தவறியவள் என்ற கவிதை சென்னை குழந்தை எழுத்தாளர் சங்கம் 1959 இல் நடத்திய குழந்தைக் கவிதைப் போட்டியில் முதற் பரிசு பெற்றது.

நன்றாக திட்டமிடப்பட்டிருந்தும் பிடெலின் வண்டி கோளாறு காரணமாகவும், இருட்டில் மற்ற வீரர்கள் வழி தவறியதாலும் அந்த தாக்குதல் தோல்வியை தழுவியது.

இவ்வாறு வழி தவறிய இக்குழுவில் ஒவ்வோர் எறும்பும் மற்றதைப் பின்தொடரும்.

volost's Usage Examples:

The self-government of the mirs and volosts is, however, tempered by the authority of the police commissaries (stanovoi) and by the power of general oversight given to the nominated " district committees for the affairs of the peasants.

"A number of mirs are united into a volost, The or canton, which has an assembly consisting of elected delegates from the mirs.

The result of these interviews was a series of projects of reform, including a constitutional system based on a series of dumas, the cantonal assembly (volost) electing the duma of the district, the dumas of the districts electing that of the province or government, and these electing the Duma of the empire.

The peasants are not compelled to go to the volost court.

A number of mirs are united into a volost, The or canton, which has an assembly consisting of elected delegates from the mirs.

- Alongside the local organs of the central government in Russia there are three classes of local elected bodies charged with administrative functions: (I) the peasant assemblies in the mir and the volost, ' From Catherine II.

2 On the other hand, from the volost court there is no appeal, unless it has acted ultra vires or illegally.

volost soviets of Workers ', Peasants ' and Cossacks ' Deputies (4k) 14.

The edict of emancipation abolished this jurisdiction, and set up instead in each volost a court particular to the peasants (volostnye sud), of which the judges and jury, themselves peasants, were elected by the assembly of the volost (volostnye skhod) each year.

In these courts the ordinary written law had little to say; the decisions of the volost courts were based on the local customary law, which alone the peasants, and the peasants alone, understand.

To all province, uyezd and volost Soviets of Workers ', Peasants ' and Cossacks ' Deputies (4k) 14.

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