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vicomte Meaning in Tamil ( vicomte வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)




vicomte தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

* Vaux-le-Vicomte, மெலுனுக்கு அண்மையிலுள்ள சிறிய அரச மாளிகை.

vicomte's Usage Examples:

The vicomte was a nice-looking young man with soft features and polished manners, who evidently considered himself a celebrity but out of politeness modestly placed himself at the disposal of the circle in which he found himself.

It is true that the king had a revenue, collected by the vicomte and paid into the secretum or treasury - a revenue composed of tolls on the caravans and customs from the ports, of the profits of monopolies and the proceeds of justice, of poll-taxes on Jews and Mahommedans, and of the tributes paid by Mahommedan powers.

Claude de Beauharnais, comte des Roches-Baritaud, uncle of the marquis and of the vicomte de Beauharnais, served in the navy and became a vice-admiral.

There were some thirty-seven cours de bourgeoisie (several of the fiefs having more than one), each of which was under the presidency of a vicomte, while all were independent of the court of burgesses at Jerusalem.

The vicomte told his tale very neatly.

"Do you know, you are a terrible chap for all your innocent airs," continued the vicomte.

"Rousseau's Contrat Social," said the vicomte with a tolerant smile.

While the body of the noblesse formed the high court, the court of the burgesses was composed of twelve legists (probably named by the king) under the presidency of the vicomte - a knight also named by the king, who was a great financial as well as a judicial officer.

The vicomte de Spoelberch de Lovenjoul (1836-1907) was well known in France as the author of [[[Charles Augustin Sainte-Beuve|Sainte-Beuve]] inconnu (1901), La Genese d'un roman de Balzac (1901), Une Page perdue de H.

"How evidently he belongs to the best society," said she to a third; and the vicomte was served up to the company in the choicest and most advantageous style, like a well-garnished joint of roast beef on a hot dish.

The vicomte bowed and smiled courteously in token of his willingness to comply.

"The vicomte is a wonderful raconteur," said she to another.

His brother Alexandre, vicomte de Beauharnais, married Josephine Tascher de la Pagerie (afterwards the wife of Napoleon Bonaparte) and had two children by her - Eugene de Beauharnais and Hortense, who married Louis Bonaparte, king of Holland, and became mother of Napoleon III.

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