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vicar Meaning in Tamil ( vicar வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


கிராமப் புரோகிதர்,

vicar's Usage Examples:

Stephen Fytche, had been vicar.

On the 30th of June 1532 the council of two hundred had ordained that in every church and cloister of the city "the pure Gospel" should be preached; against this order the bishop's vicar led the opposition.

To this is united the noble ideal of the suffering servant, which serves both as a contribution to the great problem of suffering as purifying and vicarious and as the interpretation to the mind of the nation itself of that nation's true function in the future, a lesson which the actual future showed that Israel was slow to receive.

It is not necessary that the bishop himself should personally institute or collate a clerk; he may issue a fiat to his vicargeneral, or to a special commissary for that purpose.

Provinces when, at the Gurui serpent-festival, women make vicarious offerings by throwing to Nag Deota, the river demon, dolls which the village lads beat with long switches (Crooke ii.

Jenna-Louise Coleman as Jasmine Thomas, the village vicar's niece who memorably killed a policeman in self-defense.

He took orders on his presentation to the vicarage of Bridstow in the following year, and a small sinecure living in Wales was besides procured for him by his friend Samuel Molyneux (1689-1728).

Theophilus Evans, then vicar of Llangammarch (to which living Llanwrtyd was a chapelry till 1871).

Frederick enlisted his Saracen troops at Nocera and Luceria, and appointed the terrible Ezzelino da Romano his vicar in.

In 1540 Sir John Horsey, who had bought the manor and church at the Dissolution, sold the abbey to the vicar and parishioners.

The term "curate" in the present day is almost exclusively used to signify a clergyman who is assistant to a rector or vicar, by whom he is employed and paid; and a clerk in deacon's orders is competent to be licensed by a bishop to the office of such assistant curate.

He was now appointed to the vicarage of St Dunstan's in the West.




profane, laity,

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