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viands Meaning in Tamil ( viands வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)

உண்டி வகைகள்

viands's Usage Examples:

The large table in the room was well spread with costly viands.

The pleasant odor of greasy viands mingled with the smell of smoke.

In the Roman religion, on a feast of thanksgiving for a great victory, couches were spread in the temples for the gods, whose images were taken down from their pedestals and laid on the couches, and tables set before them loaded with delicate viands.

In the refreshment room and the hall, footmen were bustling about with wine and viands.

In the sequel Daniel proves to the king that the priests with their wives and children came in through privy doors and consumed the viands set before the god; and the king, angered at their trickery, slew them all and gave Bel over to Daniel for destruction.

A prevalent custom among the better classes is that of beginning meals with a selection of such viands as anchovies, smoked salmon or slices of meat, of which a number of small dishes are provided (smorgasbord).

Those who are too hungry to wait shall eat at home; and not put to shame those who have no houses (and presumably not enough food either), by bringing their viands to church and selfishly eating them apart.

Some idea of the size of Henry's following may be gathered from the fact that in one month 2200 sheep and other viands in a similar proportion were consumed.


food, nutrient, larder, commissariat, provisions, victuals, provender, food cache,



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