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vespers Meaning in Tamil ( vespers வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


மாலைப் பிராத்தனை,

vespers தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


vespers's Usage Examples:

"Since the 6th century the number and order of the hours have been fixed thus: matins, lauds, prime, terce, sext, none, vespers, compline.

This again is followed by vespers, with a special anthem; after which the altar is stripped in silence.

He felt shame about the rather solemn setting of "Salve Regina" that now ends vespers.

Since the 6th century the number and order of the hours have been fixed thus: matins, lauds, prime, terce, sext, none, vespers, compline.

"In the middle ages the nocturnal vigilia were, except in the monasteries, gradually discontinued, matins and vespers on the preceding day, with fasting, taking their place.

At mass and vespers the mitra simplex may be substituted for it in the same way as the auriphrygiata for the pretiosa.

Bizarre vespers followed, sung falsetto and consisting of a medley of extracts from all the vespers of the year.

The archbishop answered with words as scornful as their own, and took his way to the minster to attend vespers.

In the middle ages the nocturnal vigilia were, except in the monasteries, gradually discontinued, matins and vespers on the preceding day, with fasting, taking their place.

On high festivals the altar is censed at vespers and lauds.

"Taking advantage of this last clause, Laynez applied the new law to two houses only, namely, Rome and Lisbon, the other houses contenting themselves with singing vespers on feast days; and as soon as Paul IV.

When you first arrive it is easy to see only traffic and hear only the hooters of vespers and cars.

vespers, consecrations, processions.


canonical hour, evensong,



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