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vervain Meaning in Tamil ( vervain வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)

தாயத்துப் பூண்டு

vervain's Usage Examples:

Some bitters widely used in traditional medicine in North America include yarrow, yellow dock, goldenseal, Oregon grape, and vervain.

If the pedicels are very short or wanting, so that the flowers are sessile, a spike is produced, as in Plantago and vervain (Verbena officinalis) (fig.

Alaric reveals he knows even more about vampires as he uses vervain and fools Damon when Damon tries to compel him.

"Anxiety brought on by substance withdrawal is thought to be lessened by using other herbs, for example valerian, vervain, skullcap, and kava.

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