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versified Meaning in Tamil ( versified வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



versified's Usage Examples:

The protectorate, with a singularly diversified surface of lofty plateaus, snow-capped mountains, vast swamps, dense forests and regions of desolate aridity (valley of Climate.

The exterior is diversified by arched recesses forming machicolations, and the same architectural feature is reproduced in the square tower which rises like a donjon above the building.

To a geographical distribution of the widest extent, Diptera add a range of habits of the most diversified nature; they are both animal and vegetable feeders, an enormous number of species acting, especially in the larval state, as scavengers in consuming putrescent or decomposing matter of both kinds.

, wrote a lengthy and still esteemed mesnevi on the ancient Persian romance of Khusrev and Shirin; and about the same time Yaziji-oghlu gave to the world a long versified history of the Prophet, the Muha.

Beyond these ranges the country is further diversified by isolated hills rising abruptly from a common level, and presenting from their steep and nearly inaccessible scarps eligible sites for castles and strongholds, whence the mountaineers of Bundelkhand have frequently set at defiance the most powerful of the native states of India.

South and central Germany, on the other hand, is very much diversified in scenery.

This singular romance is diversified by, or, to speak more properly, it is the vehicle of the most bewildering abundance of digression, burlesque amplification, covert satire on things political, social and religious, miscellaneous erudition of the literary and scientific kind.

Over the years we diversified into a range of other services, including microform, typesetting and training.

The surface is generally flat (only a few sand-hills rising to any height) and is diversified by moor, fen, lakes and forest.

The smooth surface of the viscous billowy lava is further diversified by long twisted " ropes," curving backwards and forwards up and down the undulations.

came less, while at the same time the expanding population necessarily led to diversified interests at home.

The products are so diversified that, with the exception of some tropical fruits of California and Florida, almost everything cultivated in the United States can be produced.


verse, compose, spondaise, indite, poetise, elegize, sonnet, write, spondaize, pen, elegise, metrify, poetize,


agitate, criticize, erase,

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