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verdi Meaning in Tamil ( verdi வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



verdi தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

வில்லியம் ஷேக்ஸ்பியரின் ஒத்தெல்லோ நாடகத்தின் முதன்மை பாத்திரமும், வெர்டியின் ஓபரா ஓதெல்லோவில் பெறப்பட்ட முதன்மை பாத்திரமும் ஒரு மூர் ஆகும்.

verdi's Usage Examples:

The trimming verdict of the Academy, which we have in J.

The writers of the next century generally condemned him as a mixture of knave, fanatic and hypocrite, and in 1839 John Forster endorsed Landor's verdict that Cromwell lived a hypocrite and died a traitor.

Franchi, " Sull' eta mesozoica della zona delle pietri verdi nelle Alpi Occidentali," Boll.

He became Zwingli's best helper, and after more than a year of earnest preaching and four public disputations in which the popular verdict had been given in favour of Oecolampadius and his friends, the authorities of Basel began to see the necessity of some reformation.

Les Burgraves, a tragic poem of transcendent beauty in execution and imaginative audacity in conception, found so little favour on the stage that the author refused to submit his subsequent plays to the verdict of a public audience.

And certainly Manning does betray in these autobiographical fragments an unheroic sensitiveness to the verdict of posterity on his career.

After several days' trial, during which Cullen was submitted to a very close examination, the verdict was given for the plaintiff with 4d.

The verdict of history upon his reign is best expressed in his own words - "I have done nothing which should prevent me from laying down my power, and living in safety as a private man.

Notable examples exist, but the flow of history in this regard has rendered its verdict.

Nightingale) in February 1785, the presiding judge having expressed himself favourably with respect to the sufficiency of the specification, a verdict was given for Arkwright.

ERS Recommendation 1 We urge the Government to take account of Arbuthnott's verdict and give proper consideration to electoral reform for Westminster.

An inquest jury has returned a verdict of misadventure on a prisoner found hanging in a cell at Bedford jail.

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