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verandah Meaning in Tamil ( verandah வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


கூரை உள்ள தாழ்வாரம்,

verandah's Usage Examples:

On the verandah, soft music was playing and several couples were dancing.

He watched the dancers on the verandah.

The level of the roadway is considerably lower than the ground-floors of the houses, which have generally arched rooms in front, with little shops behind them; and above these they are richly embellished with verandahs, galleries, projecting oriel windows, and very broad overhanging eaves supported by carved brackets.

The house consists principally of one large room opening on the front verandah and containing the altar of the family's ancestors, a table in the centre and couches placed against the wall.

A snicker worked its way around the verandah.

This was the 3rd of December 1894; he was gaily talking on the verandah of his house at Vailima when he had a stroke of apoplexy, from which he never recovered consciousness, and passed away painlessly in the course of the evening.

For covering arbours, walls, verandahs, or old tree stumps there is no climber which produces so brilliant an effect in so short a time.

Whilst some vines are valuable for the walls of houses, others may be used for covering arbours, pergolas, the pillars of verandahs, old tree stumps, or sloping banks.

He frowned as he led her across the verandah in a graceful waltz.

He strode through the vacant hallways to the verandah doors.

Wood is the most common material of which the residences are built; a large portion of these residences are one-storey cottages; broad verandahs are common; and of the more pretentious residences the lanai, a semi-outdoor drawing-room with conservatories adjoining, is a notable feature.

Luxury stateroom verandah ' diving conditions filled just per place to be.

The interior is dotted with infrequent villages inhabited by Dusuns or by Muruts, a village ordinarily consisting of a single long hut divided up into cubicles, one for the use of each family, opening out on to a common verandah along which the skulls captured by the tribe are festooned.


veranda, porch, gallery, lanai,



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