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venom Meaning in Tamil ( venom வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



venom தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

இவர் இயற்றிய கடின சட்டங்களினால் வெறுப்படைந்த துறவிகள் இவரை நஞ்சூட்டு கொல்ல திட்டமிட்டு நஞ்சு கலந்த கோப்பையினை இவரிடம் கொடுத்த போது, இவர் அதனை ஆசீர்வதிக்க, அக்கோபை உடைந்ததாகக் கூறப்படுகின்றது.

venom's Usage Examples:

envenomed arrow, I admit, went home.

Among smaller animals the jerboa and other descriptions of rat, and the wabar or cony are common; lizards and snakes are numerous, most of the latter being venomous.

Serpents are very common, both venomous and non-venomous; the pythons attain a great size.

The venom of others, such as the copperhead, is less harmful.

In the other venomous snakes (viperines and crotalines) the maxillary bone is very short, and is armed with a single very long curved fang with a canal and aperture at each end.

Minor rattlesnake envenomations can be successfully treated without antivenin, as can copperhead and watermoccasin bites.

She stiffened briefly as she realized what had happened, but before she could even raise a hand to resist; his venom had produced a surge of euphoria.

Several manimals and birds are supposed to be immune by nature against snake-venom.

MULDER: Bee stingers and venom sacs recovered subcutaneously from the victim's face, arm and neck.

Heat can inactivate the effectiveness of venom, so applying heat to the affected bug bite area should relieve the itch.

The odour alone of guaco has been said to cause in snakes a state of stupor and torpidity; and Humboldt, who observed that the near approach of a rod steeped in guaco-juice was obnoxious to the venomous Coluber corallinus, was of opinion that inoculation with it imparts to the perspiration an odour which makes reptiles unwilling to bite.

What occurs with snake venom takes place also when the toxins are formed by microbes, and a new method of treatment by anti-toxic serums has been introduced of late years with great success.


spitefulness, malevolence, maliciousness, malice, malignity, spite,


goodness, benign, beneficence, love, benevolence,

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