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venerate Meaning in Tamil ( venerate வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


பெரு மதிப்பு கொடு,

venerate தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


venerate's Usage Examples:

Natives and Anglo-Indians alike venerate his name, the former as their first beneficent administrator, the latter as the most able and the most enlightened of their own class.

In other islands the natives venerated the sun, moon, earth and stars.

At Eleusis, Demeter was venerated as the introducer of all the blessings which agriculture brings in its train - fixed dwelling-places, civil order, marriage and a peaceful life; hence her name Thesmophoros, " the bringer of law and order," and the festival Thesmophoria.

The North American Indians fear lest their venerated rattlesnake should incite its kinsfolk to avenge any injury done to it, and when the Seminole Indians begged an English traveller to rid them of one of these troublesome intruders, they scratched him-as a matter of formin order to appease the spirit of the dead snake.

venerated of venerating holy relics in Moscow, they began venerating the rotting mommy of their tyrant.

At Cyllene in Elis a mere phallus served as his emblem, and was highly venerated in the time of Pausanias (vi.

Thomas Aquinas based his justification of them on the idea of reverent commemoration; since we venerate the saints, we must also show reverence for their relics, for whoever loves another does honour to that which remains of him after death.

The oak - a highly venerated tree in Poland, though not so much as in Lithuania - grows in forests only on the most fertile land, but it is of common occurrence in conjunction with the beech, elm, 'c.

A certain amount of scepticism prevails among the educated classes, and political motives may ' contribute to their apparent orthodoxy, but there is no open dissent from Buddhism, and those who discard its dogmas still, as a rule, venerate it as an ethical system.

She had temples at Sidon and at Tyre (whence her worship was transplanted to Carthage), and the Philistines probably venerated her at Ascalon (I Sam.

They venerate pictures or images, and make the sign of the cross with one finger to show that Christ had but one nature.

As a liberal conservative, I venerate Mill as a great man.


revere, prise, value, esteem, fear, worship, prize, saint, respect, reverence, enshrine,


reject, look down on, irreverence, disrespect, disesteem,

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