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venal Meaning in Tamil ( venal வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



(ஆள் வகையில்) பணத்திற்காகத் தவறான வழியில் நடக்கிற, தவறான வழியில் பணம் ஈட்டுகிற,

venal's Usage Examples:

The classics, " as low as Tacitus, Pliny the Younger and Juvenal," had been long familiar.

It is said that he was accused of venality, and on that account disgraced, but of this there is no proof.

His works were published under the title of Juvenalis redivivus, and, although boasting but little poetical merit, give us very curious pictures of the times.

Whilst under the first of these tutors, in nine months he read all Thucydides, Sophocles and Sallust, twelve books of Tacitus, the greater part of Horace, Juvenal, Persius, and several plays of Aeschylus and Euripides.

The practice of pulling down the ancient monuments to be used as building material, which was connived at by venal officials, was strictly prohibited.

His lands, together with a great hoard of movable wealth, were seized, and he was accused of misappropriation and venality.

Juvenal >>45 is quoted as a proof that Juvenal had visited Egypt.

Among the Romans lighted candles and lamps formed part of the cult of the domestic tutelary deities; on all festivals doors were garlanded and lamps lighted (Juvenal, Sat.

If we could imagine the elder Cato living under Domitian, cut off from all share in public life, and finding no outlet for his combative energy except in literature, we should perhaps understand the motives of Juvenal's satire and the place which is his due as a representative of the genius of his country.

Exposed thus to attack, his weakness, if not his venality, was long an article of faith among the liberals.


purchasable, corrupt, bribable, corruptible, dishonest,


honest, true, straight, sincere, incorrupt,

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