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vein Meaning in Tamil ( vein வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



vein தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

நாளம் - பூந்தண்டு, உட்துளை, ரத்தநாளம்.

நீரழிவு இரண்டாம் வகையானது மூளையசதி நோய் (Alzheimer's disease), இரத்தநாளம் சார்ந்த அறிவாற்றல் இழப்பு (vascular dementia) முதலிய நோய்களின் செயல்முறைகள் மூலம் உணரறிவிய செயல் பிறழ்ச்சி (cognitive dysfunction), உளக்கேடு (dementia) ஆகிய இடர்கள் அதிகம் நிகழ்வதுடன் தொடர்புபடுத்தப்பட்டுள்ளது.

இது ஊசி மூலம் சிரையில் (இரத்தநாளம்) செலுத்தப்படுகிறது.

தமனிகள் மற்றும் சிரைகள் ஆகியவற்றில் டாப்ளர் விளைவு அடிப்படையிலான இரத்த ஓட்டத்தின் திசைவேக அளவிடலானது குறுக்கம் போன்ற இரத்தநாளம் சம்மந்தமான சிக்கல்களை அறுதியிடுவதற்கான வலிமையான கருவியாக உள்ளது.

சோடியம் கால்சியம் எடிடேட்டு இரத்தநாளம் வழியாக அல்லது தசை வழியாக மெல்ல ஊசி மூலம் உடலுக்குள் செலுத்தப்படுகிறது .

ரத்தநாளம் அல்லது நிணநீர் நாளச் சுவர்களில் (நாளங்களின் உட்சவ்வுகளில்) உள்ளச் செல்கள் அல்லது இத்தகு நாளங்களைச் சுற்றியுள்ளத் திசுக்களிலிருந்துப் பெறப்பட்டச் செல்களிலிருந்து இக்கட்டிகள் உருவாகின்றன.

|rowspan2| பாம்பு ||rowspan2| காணும் பகுதி ||colspan2| தோல்கீழ் செலுத்துதல் கொல்லும் அளவு 50 ||rowspan2| இரத்தநாளம் வழியாக கொல்லும் அளவு 50.

vein's Usage Examples:

Are you here again?I think that the richest vein is somewhere hereabouts; so by the divining-rod and thin rising vapors I judge; and here I will begin to mine.

They have usually no fibro-vascular system, but consist of a congeries of cells, which sometimes become elongated and compressed so as to resemble veins.

In other cases, especially near mineral veins, slates are filled with black needles of tourmaline or are bleached to pale grey and white colours, or are silicified and impregnated with mineral ores.

In any case it is clear that we have in these muscles an apparatus'for causing the blood to flow differentially in increased volume into either the pericardium, through the veins leading from the respiratory organs, or from the body generally into the great sinuses which bring the blood to the respiratory organs.

These veins consist of felspar, quartz and mica, often with smaller amounts of other crystallized minerals, such as tourmaline, beryl and garnet; they are worked for mica in India, the United States (South Dakota, Colorado and Alabama), and Brazil (Goyaz, Bahia and Minas Geraes).

The flowers are large, the standards white, pencilled and spotted with purple or violet, while the falls are veined with dark purple or purple-black on a yellowish ground, with a conspicuous dark blotch in the centre.

In mining, a "gouge" is the layer of soft rock or earth sometimes found in each side of a vein of coal or ore, which the miner can scoop out with his pick, and thus attack the vein more easily from the side.

A characteristic of the class is afforded by the complicated network formed by the leaf -veins, - well seen in a skeleton leaf, from which the soft parts have been removed by maceration.

He regarded, therefore, the section of the contracted vein as the true orifice from which the discharge of water ought to be deduced, and the velocity of the effluent water as due to the whole height of water in the reservoir; and by this means his theory became more conformable to the results of experience, though still open to serious objections.

Most veins are usually easily traced, but in the case of succulent plants, as Hoya, agave, stonecrop and mesembryanthemum, the veins are obscure.

Chaper found diamond with corundum in a decomposed red pegmatite vein in gneiss.

If vein collapse occurs, the IV catheter should be removed and reinserted into a different vein, usually in another part of the body.


colic vein, tympanic vein, cystic vein, hemizygous vein, basilic vein, accessory hemiazygous vein, vena axillaris, vena scapularis dorsalis, pectoral vein, vena basalis, perforating vein, accessory cephalic vein, ethmoidal vein, vena vestibularis, vena sigmoideus, cutaneous vein, vena sublingualis, pharyngeal vein, venae conjunctivales, cardinal vein, peroneal vein, ileocolic vein, vena pericardiaca, vena pectoralis, central vein of suprarenal gland, gastroepiploic vein, tibial vein, vena testicularis, vena sternocleidomastoidea, vena saphena, arcuate vein of the kidney, vena cerebellum, vena paraumbilicalis, vena ileocolica, vena choroidea, accompanying vein, vena trachealis, supratrochlear vein, vena thoracica, vena intercapitalis, vena maxillaris, vena hemizygos, vena genus, vena supraorbitalis, vena nasalis externa, venule, temporal vein, venae sclerales, costoaxillary vein, vena palatina, posterior vein of the left ventricle, meningeal veins, blood vessel, vena circumflexa, hemizygos vein, sigmoid vein, palatine vein, vena obliqua atrii sinistri, saphenous vein, vena centralis glandulae suprarenalis, vena poplitea, vena, intervertebral vein, vena comitans, venae renis, choroid vein, cerebral vein, vena intercostalis, vesical vein, laryngeal vein, vena arcuata renis, vena metatarsus, jugular, ophthalmic vein, vena supratrochlearis, vena metacarpus, radial vein, accessory vertebral vein, vena ethmoidalis, vena tibialis, vena bronchialis, vena vertebralis anterior, vena digitalis, sternocleidomastoid vein, venula, venae centrales hepatis, brachial vein, brachiocephalic vein, bronchial vein, obturator vein, vena auricularis, phrenic vein, venous blood vessel, vena occipitalis, epigastric vein, vena pulmonalis, scleral veins, gastric vein, vena vertebralis, vena pylorica, vena hepatica, vena lacrimalis, popliteal vein, axillary vein, vena emissaria, labyrinthine vein, vena cava, basivertebral vein, auricular vein, ovarian vein, maxillary vein, hemorrhoidal vein, vena cephalica, vena basivertebralis, iliac vein, thyroid vein, digital vein, portal vein, intercostal vein, rectal vein, metatarsal vein, lingual vein, vena iliolumbalis, external nasal vein, oesophageal veins, vena umbilicalis, venae pudendum, vena renalis, occipital vein, jugular vein, anterior vertebral vein, vena bulbi vestibuli, vena colica, vena sacralis, nasofrontal vein, ulnar vein, vena gastrica, vena scrotalis, anastomotic vein, vena spinalis, lacrimal vein, vena cystica, angular vein, renal vein, vertebral vein, vena temporalis, prepyloric vein, vena brachiocephalica, sacral vein, vortex vein, vena lumbalis, venae palpebrales, vena azygos, venae ciliares, cephalic vein, splenic vein, vena cervicalis profunda, vena canaliculi cochleae, intercapitular vein, spinal vein, vena lienalis, central veins of liver, vena radialis, tracheal vein, venae interlobulares hepatis, circumflex vein, vena cephalica accessoria, gastroomental vein, sublingual vein, mesenteric vein, vena intervertebralis, common facial vein, vena ulnaris, varicose vein, testicular vein, supraorbital vein, parotid vein, conjunctival veins, thoracoepigastric vein, vena gluteus, vena brachialis, vena appendicularis, vena hemiazygos accessoria, hepatic portal vein, vestibular vein, circulatory system, diploic vein, thoracic vein, portal, pericardial vein, vena obturatoria, gluteal vein, facial vein, vena basilica, stylomastoid vein, vena thoracoepigastrica, pulmonary vein, vena vertebralis accessoria, labial vein, innominate vein, subclavian vein, vena musculophrenica, iliolumbar vein, vena gastroomentalis, vena bulbi penis, capillary vein, clitoral vein, umbilical vein, vena peroneus, scrotal vein, venae esophageae, ciliary veins, vena diploica, metacarpal vein, thalamostriate vein, vein of penis, vena posterior ventriculi sinistri, vena rectalis, vena pharyngeus, vena iliaca, esophageal veins, paraumbilical vein, vena facialis, vena ovarica, cerebellar vein, vena subclavia, vena laryngea, appendicular vein, vena anastomotica, azygous vein, cardiovascular system, oblique vein of the left atrium, vena portae, musculophrenic vein, vena ophthalmica, internal auditory vein, vorticose vein, vena cutanea, venae meningeae, vena perforantis, vena thyroidea, pancreatic vein, femoral vein, vena femoralis, azygos vein, pudendal vein, deep cervical vein, vena cerebri, lumbar vein, vena centrales retinae, hepatic vein, dorsal scapular vein, vena vesicalis, vena labialis, venae pancreatica, vena clitoridis, vena angularis, cervical vein, vena jugularis, vena stylomastoidea, vena mesenterica, basal vein, accessory hemiazygos vein, vena lingualis, genicular vein, central vein of retina, emissary vein, fibular vein, vena phrenica, vena vorticosum, vena nasofrontalis, uterine vein,


verboseness, terseness, head, rear, finish,

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