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vant Meaning in Tamil ( vant வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


தேவையுறு, தேவை உடையதாக இரு, இல்லாமை, தேவை,


வேண்டு, விருப்பம் கொள்,

vant's Usage Examples:

He deletes what strikes him as irrelevant, or tedious, or uninteresting to his readers.

While excitement over Tunisia was at its height, but before the situation was irretrievably compromised to the disadvantage of Italy, Cairoli had been compelled to resign by a vote of want of confidence in the Chamber.

He was seen to the greatest advantage, and was most thoroughly at home, in the debates of the Eton Society, learnedly called " The Literati," and vulgarly " Pop," and in the editorship of the Eton Miscellany.

This insurrection gave birth to one of those wars in which a whole nation, destitute of pecuniary resources, military organization and skilful leaders, but familiar with the country, is opposed to a handful of soldiers advantageously posted and well officered.

Or did he connive with his wife's adultery to further his own career?connive are two conniving servants who help the plot and the intrigue along.

To produce CAL that utilizes the advantages of video has in the past meant using videodisk technology.

This icon of the Venerable Sergius, the servant of God and zealous champion of old of our country's weal, is offered to Your Imperial Majesty.

This will be achieved by implanting beads containing the relevant growth factors or pharmacological inhibitors of signaling pathways.

As a maxim for guidance in public affairs, laisser faire was genuinely relevant at the end of the 18th and the beginning of the 19th century, when the Statute Book was cumbered with vexatious and obsolete laws.

Cheating causes problems for those honest students by unfairly giving cheaters the academic advantage, which in turn makes it harder for those who did study to get the grades and recognition they deserve.

Mozart, for one, was extremely skilled at using the oboe to its full advantage in an ensemble.

8 Most of the many pupils whom Linnaeus sent to foreign countries submitted their discoveries to him, but Kalm, Hasselqvist and Osbeck published separately their respective travels in North America, the Levant and China.

In first cost the hydraulic crane has the advantage, but the power mains are much less expensive and more convenient to arrange in the electric crane.

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