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vaginated Meaning in Tamil ( vaginated வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


உளக்குழப்பம், செயல்குழப்பம்,

vaginated தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

உளக்குழப்பம் அடிக்கடி இருக்கும், அவ்வப்போது சாந்தமாகவும், சில சமயம் எரிச்சலுடனும் காணப்படுவர் இந்த உளக்குழப்பத்தின் காரணமாக குடற்காய்ச்சலுக்கு “பதற்றக் காய்ச்சல்” என்ற பெயரும் வழங்கப்படுகிறது.

vaginated's Usage Examples:

) A, Blastula stage (one-cell-layered eaten its way into the in sac), with commencing invaginated endodermal sac, vagination of the wall of the and the cells pushed in with sac at bl, the blastopore.

The primitive shell-sac or shell-gland is well marked at this stage, and the pharynx is seen as a new ingrowth (the stomodaeum), about to fuse with and open into the primitively invaginated arch-enteron (fig.

C, invaginated head of Cysticercus cellulosae, showing the bent neck and receptacle r; X 30.

The mass of the arch-enteron or invaginated endodermal sac has taken on a bilobed form, and its cells are swollen (gs and tge).

Lecaillon (1898) on various leaf beetles, tend to show that the organ " in the embryos of the lower Arthropoda corresponds with whole of the " mid-gut " arises from the proliferation of cells at the the region invaginated to form the serosa of the hexapod embryo.

stated that in the Muscidae, while the anterior endoderm-rudiment The embryo is invaginated into the yolk, but the surface edges of arises as Kowalevsky had observed, the posterior part of the " midthe blastoderm do not close over, so that a groove or pore puts gut " has its origin as a direct outgrowth from the proctodaeum.

The shell-gland, as development proceeds, extends from its point of origin as an ectodermic thickening, which may be only slightly concave or may be deeply invaginated and then evaginated.

ing gs, the bilobed arch sh, The primitive shell-sac or enteron or lateral vesicles shell-gland ° of invaginated endoderm, pi, The rectal peduncle or whichwill develop into liver.

ing gs, the bilobed arch sh, The primitive shell-sac or enteron or lateral vesicles shell-gland ° of invaginated endoderm, pi, The rectal peduncle or whichwill develop into liver.

The other extreme end closes, but the invaginated endoderm cells remain in continuity with this extremity of the blastopore, and form the " rectal peduncle " or " pedicle of invagination " of Lankester, although the endoderm cells retain no contact with the middle region of the now closed-up blastopore.

The invaginated cells (derived from the division of the four big cells) form the endoderm or arch-enteron; the outer cells are the ectoderm.

Then follows the phenomenon of gastrulation, by which onehalf of the blastula is invaginated into the other, so as to obliterate the segmentation cavity.

The body-cavity and the muscular, fibrous and vascular tissues are traced partly to two symmetrically disposed " mesoblasts," which bud off from the invaginated arch-enteron, partly to cells derived from the ectoderm, which at a very early stage is connected by long processes with the invaginated endoderm.

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