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vaal Meaning in Tamil ( vaal வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



vaal's Usage Examples:

In the Transvaal the operation occupies 32 to 4 days for fine sands, and up to 14 days for coarse sands; the quantity of cyanide per ton of tailings varies from 0.

Sir Francis de Winton, the British commissioner, who was accompanied by Generals Joubert and Smit on behalf of the Transvaal, reported that Umbandine had already granted concessions, such as "postal, telegraphic, banking, customs,"'c.

Laing's Nek is a pass into the Transvaal.

) Scarcely had the colony recovered from the shock of the Zulu War than it was involved in the revolt of the Transvaal Boers (1880-1881), an event which overshadowed all domestic concerns.

of the western frontier of the Transvaal and 15 m.

Innes, " Meteorology in the Transvaal," Journ.

It was, no doubt, possible to say a good deal for Gladstones indignant denunciation of his predecessors policy in annexing the Transvaal; it would have been equally possible to advance many reasons for reversing the measures of Lord Beaconsfields cabinet, and for conceding independence to the Goer War, Transvaal in 1880.

But the British commander thereupon began a constant succession of night marches and raids which practically blotted out the resistance in the eastern Transvaal.

The appointment was avowedly made in order that an acceptable British statesman, in whom public confidence was reposed, might go to South Africa to consider all the circumstances, and to formulate a policy which should combine the upholding of British interests with the attempt to deal justly with the Transvaal and Orange Free State governments.

On his return to the Transvaal in 1876 Burgers found that the conditions of affairs in the state was worse than ever.

- Although lying on the border of and partly within the tropics, the Transvaal, owing to its high general elevation, and to the absence of extensive marshy tracts, enjoys on the whole a healthy invigorating climate, well suited to the European constitution.

This result was not, however, achieved before President Kruger had done his utmost to induce Sir Henry Loch to promise some revision in favour of the Transvaal of the London Convention.

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