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upright Meaning in Tamil ( upright வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


upright's Usage Examples:

) below the surface, the elevation of the point of the shoot to an upright position may open the incision, and thus set it free, so that it may be surrounded by earth to induce it to form roots.

upright posture, starting at the ankles.

Two curious epithets in this connexion deserve notice: Xvy03Eo a ("bound with withies"), derived from the legend that the image of Artemis Orthia was found in a thicket of withies, which twined round it and kept it upright (Xi yos is the agnus castus, and points to Artemis in her relation to women); and Cura-yxop.

Then Deioces, son of Phraortes, an illustrious man of upright character, was chosen judge in his village, and the justness of his decisions induced the inhabitants of the other villages to throng to him.

Another set is planted at the back, and trained on a trellis c,which is nearly upright, and leans against the back wall; or the back wall itself may be used for training.

In this latest stunt, he not only hung upside down for two and a half days, but he didn't eat or sleep and urinated via catheter (you know you were wondering) although he did have to stand upright a few times to go potty.

Then, still upright, his stomach was slit open so that he could be ritually disemboweled.

Nine upright stones support the heaviest capstone of any Cornish quoit which shows no signs of floating away.

Common types of this classical musical instrument include the baby grand and the upright (or spinet) piano.

Double microscopes, which produce a correct impression of the solidity of the object, must project upright images.

The child may sit bolt upright in acute terror, screaming inconsolably.

An ingot should always stand upright while solidifying, so that the unsound region due to the pipe may readily be cut off, leaving the rest of the ingot solid.

The Finns are morally upright, hospitable, faithful and submissive, with a keen sense of personal freedom and independence, but also somewhat stolid, revengeful and indolent.


perpendicular, vertical, unsloped,


scarce, controlled, horizontal, inclined,

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