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upholder Meaning in Tamil ( upholder வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


தூக்கிப் பிடிக்கும்,

upholder தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

அவர் தூக்கிப் பிடிக்கும் குச்சியைப் பழமேறியவர்களில் ஒருவர் தன் குச்சியால் தட்டிவிடுவதும், மற்றவர்கள் அதனைத் தட்டிச்செல்வதும், பட்டவர் தன் குச்சியை மீட்க முனைவதும் முதலான நிகழ்வுகள் கல்லுக்குச்சி விளையாட்டில் நிகழ்வது போலவே நிகழும்.

upholder's Usage Examples:

He regarded the Deity as the guide and upholder of the world, watching over it from the outside, not as the immanent soul within it, for according to him the world was as soulless as a plant.

Hence the name of Gallican is loosely given to all its modern upholders, whether of French nationality or not.

Whilst Sankara's chief title to fame rests on his philosophical works, as the upholder of the strict monistic theory of Vedanta, he doubtless played an important part in the partial remodelling of the Hindu system of belief at a time when Buddhism was rapidly losing ground in India.

A former leader of Liberals, he proved to be now the strongest upholder of reaction.

It may be convenient here to deal with the theory of the Quinary System, which was promulgated with great zeal by its upholders during the end of the first and early part of the second quarter of the 19th century, and for some years seemed likely to carry all before it.

Euhemerus was a firm upholder of the Cyrenaic philosophy, and by many ancient writers he was regarded as an atheist.

These three systems are essentially identical; but, plausible as they may be at the first aspect, they have been found to be practically useless, though such of their characters as their upholders have advanced with truth deserve attention.

She deserves her appellation of "Good Queen Anne," and notwithstanding her failings must be included among the chief authors and upholders of the great Revolution settlement.

As contrasted with Indra the war god, Varuna is the lord of the natural laws, the upholder of the physical and moral order of the universe.

(4) Basil of Achrida, archbishop of Thessalonica about 1 155; he was a stanch upholder of the claims of the Eastern Church against the widening supremacy of the papacy.

He now began to be regarded as the chief upholder of Protestantism in the ministry; he lost favour with Charles, and on Sunday, the 9th of September 1673, was dismissed from the chancellorship.

oddments tray, complete with cupholders.

To bolster up the case a fresh packet of five forged letters was concocted (31st August); but the forgery was transparent, and even Sir William Jones, the attorney-general, though a violent upholder of the plot, dared not produce them as evidence.


admirer, champion, maintainer, booster, friend, sustainer, protagonist, supporter,


worst, foe, stranger, nonworker,

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