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unwise Meaning in Tamil ( unwise வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


புத்தியில்லாத, விவேகமில்லாத,

unwise தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

புத்தியில்லாதவர்கள் தங்கள் விளக்குகளை மட்டும் எடுத்துக்கொண்டு போனார்கள், எண்ணெயையோ கூடக் கொண்டுபோகவில்லை.

புத்தியில்லாதவர்கள் புத்தியுள்ளவர்களை நோக்கி: உங்கள் எண்ணெயில் எங்களுக்குக் கொஞ்சங்கொடுங்கள், எங்கள் விளக்குகள் அணைந்துபோகிறதே என்றார்கள்.

unwise's Usage Examples:

But he reluctantly, and most unwisely, allowed himself to be entangled in the scandalous family quarrel between Frederick, prince of Wales, and his parents.

If a man is thought-free, fancy-free, imagination-free, that which is not never for a long time appearing to be to him, unwise rulers or reformers cannot fatally interrupt him.

It would certainly be unwise to draw a sharp boundary line between the two districts; kings of Judah could be tempted to restore the kingdom of their traditional founder, or Assyria might be complaisant towards a faithful Judaean vassal.

The Free Staters were practically bound, under the offensive and defensive alliance, in case hostilities arose with Great Britain, either to denounce the policy to which they had so unwisely been secretly party, or to throw in their lot with the Transvaal.

There will be a new law, dwelling specially upon the " external duties" required of all men, wise or unwise; and even the sufficiency of virtue for our happiness may be questioned.

Thus it seems impossible, and for many unwise, to presume that anyone has a privileged and unbiased epistemological standpoint.

This was a piece of gratuitous cruelty, for the king, though wayward and unwise, had done nothing to justify such treatment.

"I wonder if Alex reminded me it was his money because he thinks I spend it unwisely," Carmen mused aloud.

Or, if you choose to go farther, it will not be unwise, for I have found the increase of fair bait to be very nearly as the squares of the distances.

He obtained enorn~ous sums, by the most unwise and iniquitous expedients, mainly by selling to any buyer that he could find valuable pieces of crown property, high offices and dangerous rights and privileges.

On the 6th of May 1882 Lord Spencer made his entry into Dublin, and on the evening of the same day Lord Frederick, unwisely allowed to walk home alone with Burke, the undersecretary to the Irish government, was murdered with his companion in Phoenix Park.

Attempts by officials to stop the Optimists having a water fight proved unwise, provoking a wet response.

It never got beyond that rehearsal; Hume, indeed, approved of the performance, only deprecating as unwise the author's preference for French; but Gibbon sided with the majority.




well-advised, wise,

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