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untiring Meaning in Tamil ( untiring வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



untiring தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

திருமணமாகி ஏழு பெண் மக்களின் தந்தையான இவர், தன் சிறுபராயம் முதல் சலிக்காது, சளைக்காது புத்தளத்தின் பெருந்தெருக்கள் எங்கும் நோன்பு மாதத்தில் மக்களை அதிகாலையில் எழுப்பும் பணியினை 'தாயிலா ரபான்' பைத்தொலியுடன் செய்து வருகின்றார்.

மொழிபெயர்ப்பிற்கு சலிக்காத உழைப்பு தேவையிருப்பதால் 1940களில் பொறியியலாளர்கள் தானியக்கமாக மொழிபெயர்க்க (இயந்திர மொழிபெயர்ப்பு) அல்லது மனித மொழிபெயர்ப்பாளருக்கு துணையாக இருக்க கருவிகளை உருவாக்கி வருகிறார்கள்.

untiring's Usage Examples:

Against the Romanticists he waged untiring war.

He was untiring in literary work, and, though this consisted very largely of occasional papers, lectures, articles in reviews, addresses, and sermons, it included a third volume of his History of the Jewish Church, a volume on the Church of Scotland, another of Addresses and Sermons preached in America, and another on Christian Institutions (1881).

The whole march was a running fight between untiring horse-archers and steady infantry.

His industry was untiring.

"They were accordingly taken up anew by a band of continental inquirers, primarily by three men of untiring energy and vivid genius, Leonhard Euler, Alexis Clairault, and Jean le Rond d'Alembert.

As an earnest student, and ardent lover of liberty, an enthusiast in the cause of virtue, and a man of unblemished life and untiring beneficence,, Shaftesbury probably had no superior in his generation.

The untiring old poet was steadily writing on, and by 1886 he had another collection of lyrics ready, Locksley Hall Sixty Years After, 'c.

He was helped of course by his sound education; but the true cause of his success lay in his strong sense, untiring industry, courage, clear-sightedness and great intellectual force.

Perhaps it need not be done so pedantically, thought Nicholas, or even done at all, but this untiring, continual spiritual effort of which the sole aim was the children's moral welfare delighted him.

They were accordingly taken up anew by a band of continental inquirers, primarily by three men of untiring energy and vivid genius, Leonhard Euler, Alexis Clairault, and Jean le Rond d'Alembert.

Wanting in quickness of apprehension and in native grace, he made up for these deficiencies by a conscientious love of truth and an untiring industry.

"His efforts on behalf of the clergy were untiring, and his ideal of the bishop's office may be read in his address to his nephew, Angelo della Ciaia, who had been raised to the episcopate (Admonitio ad episcopum Theanensem, nepotem suum, Rome, 1612).


industrious, hardworking, diligent, tireless,


impatient, careless, idle, lethargic, negligent,

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