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unroll Meaning in Tamil ( unroll வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)




unroll தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

How to Unroll a Circle Pi accurate to eight decimal places, using straightedge and compass.

unroll's Usage Examples:

unrolls to reveal a 49-key, four-octave electronic keyboard that sounds amazingly like a real piano.

The value n is referred to as the unrolling depth.

This option unrolls only iterative " DO " loops, not " DO WHILE " loops.

In Terebratulina, Rhyn- chonella, Lingula, and possibly other genera, the arms can be unrolled and protruded from the opened shell; in this case the tentacles also FIG.

His greatest work, which made the Romans regard him as the father of their literature, was his epic poem, in eighteen books, the Annales, in which the record of the whole career of Rome was unrolled with idealizing enthusiasm and realistic detail.

unroll the paper, the named card is clearly written on it!unroll the white felt underlay just enough to accept the green felt square.

Among the many volumes unrolled only a few are of historical importance - that edited by Biicheler, which treats of the philosophers of the academy (Acad.

unroll the condom a bit to check that it is the right way round before putting it near the erect penis.

It was thus during the reformer's absence that the murder of Darnley, the abduction and subsequent marriage of Mary, the flight of Bothwell, and the imprisonment in Lochleven of the queen, unrolled themselves before the eyes of Scotland.

unrolls in front of me as I write.

By unrolling each such element (§ 30) into a sector of a circular annulus, it will be found that the total area of the surface is M'.


change surface, unfurl,


recede, rise, roll up,

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