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unrepresented Meaning in Tamil ( unrepresented வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)

பிரதிநித்துவம் அற்ற

unrepresented's Usage Examples:

But a potent - according to some, the most potent - factor in hypnotism, namely, suggestion, is unrepresented in the production of so-called animal hypnotism.

Insect wings are specialized outgrowths of certain thoracic segments, and are quite unrepresented in any other class of Arthropods.

The mass of the people remained unrepresented in the government; and even if the consuls existed in the days of Heribert, they were but humble legal officers, transacting business for their constituents in the courts of the bishop and his viscount.

The right to return members to parliament was claimed for all communities; and since this right was unconstitutionally withheld, unrepresented towns were invited to exercise it in anticipation of its formal concession.

But even by postulating the highest possible dates for he Dynasties of Babylon and Ur, enormous gaps occurred in he scheme of chronology, which were unrepresented by any ro al name or record.

But Goethe was a type of literary man hitherto unrepresented among the leading writers of the world's literature; he was a poet whose supreme greatness lay in his subjectivity.

Consequently the Quadrumana, or monkeys, are nearly unrepresented, a single species occurring in Japan, and one or two others in northern China and Tibet.

As Burke had wished the British parliament to be supreme over the colonies, in confidence that this supremacy would not be abused, so he wished the great landowning connection resting on the rotten boroughs to ruie over the unrepresented people, in confidence that this power would not be abused.

The chevrotains of India and the Malay countries are unrepresented.

The notopodium may be rudimentary or absent and the entire parapodium reduced to the merest ridge or even completely unrepresented.

The Social Revolutionary and the Communist parties were not legally recognized and were unrepresented.

now unrepresented anywhere but in South Africa.

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