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unreasoning Meaning in Tamil ( unreasoning வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


அறிவுக்கு ஒவ்வாத, அறிவின்பாற்படாத,

unreasoning தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

இவ்வாறு செய்வதில் தவறில்லை எனச்சொல்லும் வகையில் அமைந்த இப்பாடலின் நேரடிப் பொருள் பொதுவான அறிவுக்கு ஒவ்வாததாக அமைந்திருந்தாலும் அதன் உள் மறைபொருள் ஏற்றுக் கொள்ளத்தக்கதாக அமைந்துள்ளது.

unreasoning's Usage Examples:

unreasoning aversion to her stepmother.

Rucastle told me in private that the reason why she had left them was that she had an unreasoning aversion to her stepmother.

"However, if you command it, Your Majesty," said Kutuzov, lifting his head and again assuming his former tone of a dull, unreasoning, but submissive general.

In any case the native Frank, accustomed to commercial intercourse and diplomatic negotiations with the Mahommedans, could hardly share the unreasoning passion to make a dash for the "infidel.

Foreign demand has shown so little discrimination that experts, finding it impossible to obtain adequate remuneration for first-class work, have been obliged to abandon the field altogether, or to lower their standard to the level of general appreciation, or by forgery to cater for the perverted taste which attaches unreasoning value to age.

"He had to contend with people whose unreasoning opposition was ' vitriolic '.

Our analysis would seem to be an unreasoning panic in the presence of excessive partying or dancing in the streets.

A mad, unreasoning terror rose up in me at the sight, Mr.

He had to contend with people whose unreasoning opposition was ' vitriolic '.

The term racism may also denote a blind and unreasoning hatred, envy or prejudice.

He sincerely believed that the ultimate purpose of freethinkers was to escape from moral restraints, and he had an unreasoning antipathy to Scotch Presbyterians and English Dissenters.

unreasoning opposition was ' vitriolic ' .

At daybreak, however, those nearing the town at the Dorogomilov bridge saw ahead of them masses of soldiers crowding and hurrying across the bridge, ascending on the opposite side and blocking the streets and alleys, while endless masses of troops were bearing down on them from behind, and an unreasoning hurry and alarm overcame them.


blind, irrational,


coherent, reasonable, rational,

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