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unquestioning Meaning in Tamil ( unquestioning வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


எதிர்ப்பின்றிச் செயல்படுகிற,

unquestioning's Usage Examples:

His work, Monumenti delle anti christiane primitive, is the first in which the strange misconception, received with unquestioning faith by earlier writers, that the catacombs were exhausted sand-pits adapted by the Christians to the purpose of interment, was dispelled, and the true history of their formation demonstrated.

The individual was merged in the Order: each brother must pray four times in the day, and four times at night, and he must at all times pay an unquestioning obedience to his superiors.

But he does not seriously trouble himself to argue with egoism, or to weigh carefully the amount of happiness that might be generally attained by the satisfaction of egoistic propensities duly regulated; a supreme unquestioning self-devotion, in which all personal calculations are suppressed, is an essential feature of his moral ideal.

The Perfect formed the ordained priesthood, were women no less than men, and controlled the church; they received from the Believers unquestioning obedience, and as vessels of election in whom the Holy Spirit already dwelt, they were adored by the faithful, who were taught to prostrate themselves before them whenever they asked for their prayers.

The system of government is autocratic, "unquestioning obedience" being required throughout all ranks.

At the same time he reproduces their scandalous anecdotes in a quite uncritical spirit, and accepts unquestioningly the 4th-century tradition.

The sultan's reply was couched in the vaguest terms, and the Cretans were ordered to render unquestioning obedience to the authorities.

It is the almost unquestioning foundation of world order, the main object of individual loyalties, the chief definer of people's identity.

unquestioning acceptance of the status quo.

It is the almost unquestioning foundation of world order, the main object of individual loyalties, the chief definer of people 's identity.




equivocal, incredulous,

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